Sunday, January 17, 2010


One by one the little families head for the safety of the water as I walk past.
I can remember the dreams I had for each one of my children but not so much what they would do but that they would be happy. Looking back the years have gone by quickly and I believe they have all found happiness in their own way. They all have character and a sense of value of life and they are fun loving and justice seeking. But mainly they have a deep love for one another!
I believe that God exists in a different time and space than we do which is beyond our reasoning. " According to Einstein's theory of relativity a person travelling at the speed of light would see the entire history of the universe pass by in a single instant."
--- Prayer by Phillip Yancy
It was good to walk with my neighbor and to listen to her share her dreams of travelling. There is a slight improvement in her husband's condition although they still do not know what is wrong. Our dreams are important as we plan for the future and leave the past behind.
I dreamt the other night of resisting going to the doctor and insisting that I am healthy. I think that was good and reinforcing what I believe. I think dreams come from deep inside us and as for me I only dream different ones. I only remember the odd one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wonder where dreams come from? Is there only one dream that comes back again and again?

