Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Isa 11:6 and a little child shall lead them

Children ask the most interesting questions and if we could make religion simple for them to understand maybe we would have a clearer picture ourselves. Yes religion has made faith more complicated and sadly can be a source of guilt and dejection and rejection.
God with us is the God that is for us willing to pick us up when we fall and laugh with us over our mistakes. As children we can easily be mislead and yet the innocent have the ability to see clearly what adults seem to muddy up.

"There is one vast Mystery in whose life we share and whose presence is the answer to the deepest longings of our soul. Even as a child I sensed that the church was a place like no other and I was happy there. I was nurtured and affirmed and welcomed even to sing in the choir.

And yes, as an adult I have had some unhappy experiences which have included being let down in a time of depression and also being burnt out. You can take on tasks that are not what you are called or gifted to do. I am glad I have taught Sunday School and helped in the nursery at the vineyard church. Now I feel called to be with those who are weary with age and encourage them.

This takes me back to the simple things of life; like listening with compassion and learning from their stories of life. We express our love in our actions. I am reminded that love does not demand perfection but is unconditional.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very true mom, I was worrying this morning that Mary would be disapointed that I do not have the time to get ready for her, make the house all Christmasy. But I think (hope!) that wont matter, she will know that I am happy to have her and will do what I can.