Wednesday, December 2, 2009


I listened to the speech of the president Obama and I wonder if sending more troops will really bring peace? The shift is to be nation-building but can we do that with out innocent people dying and towns and cities being destroyed. Life seems to always present us with harsh realities and difficult decisions.

How do we fight the real evil that lurks everywhere?

I have heard it said that politics and religion do not mix but I wonder about the military and politics. Canada has many young men buried in foreign countries who fought for Peace! A great and noble cause! I fear our hearts have become hardened and instead of admitting the sins of the past that have cause hatred to grow against our country as well as the United States; we are making war into an exercise in glory.

In the bible young David asks to fight the giant Goliath the enemy of his people. He kills the giant but does not kill the hatred behind the battle. He will continue to fight and kill many and become famous for being a warrior. I think that this also destroyed a part of his soul that allowed him to kill for his own evil gains, so that it would not be found out he had slept with Bathseba whose husband was off fighting his battles for him while he rested.

"There are a thousand hacking at branches of evil to everyone who is striking at the root."
- - Thoreau

War is not popular and yet our politicians make this choice for us. Is this democracy? We are proud of the young girls in Is real who are willing to go to jail instead of fighting in an endless war.

"The real public enemies of our time are power and profit." - Joan Chittister. What if we took non-violence seriously? "What if someone gave a war and no one came?" Carl Sandburg asked.

Jesus spoke out against evil and abuse, the evil that corrupts the soul and destroys the lives of others. Jesus did not believe in war yet he knew it would continue. The Bible talks of the last days when there will be continuing war, famine and earthquakes. I have ignored this to a great extent.

Life's fragile sacredness seems to be in the hands of the powerful and my heart grieves for all the young men and women who have died and suffered in war.


Anonymous said...

I like that idea, call for a war, and no one shows up. Unfortuantley, that is when the bad guys just run amok. What was that song back when we were kids, about a mountain and the end was "peace on earth, good will to men" after all the good guys got killed of course. Just glad I live where I do and do not have to worry about all of this.

Anonymous said...

Deep thoughts Mom. I don't have any answers.

