Sunday, December 13, 2009


We love to hear our favorite stories or watch our favorite movies over and over again. I love the Christmas story of the birth of Jesus; an ancient story that has been told through the centuries.
Our celebrations often are centered around traditions and story telling. Would we have Christmas if we had no story to tell? Santa Clause is apart of our Christmas story telling and for the children more real than baby Jesus. His story is about miracles that changed the lives of many people. Jesus brings love in the precious sweet image of a baby born in difficult circumstances, protected by his father and loved by his mother that caused the angels of heaven to sing. A empty stable filled with stinky animals, cold and bare, would be transformed by the miracle of birth. A stable becomes a safe place. God works in our lives in unexpected ways. At times we feel the world is an unsafe place full of fallen hero's and biterness and strife; poverty and coldness. Even the street people do not want to go into shelter unless it is safe and they can take their possessions with them.
"This is my story this is my song praising the savior all day long"! My thoughts as the room of about 30 people his community of faith, stopped to listen as Alex sang his favorite hymm. We all knew that the words he sang were from his heart and were away of expressing the love of Jesus !
We may not get to church this Christmas Eve but I wonder if there will be time to hear the Christmas story. Santa promises to gives presents to good little boys and girls but Jesus promises to come and fill our hearts with hope and beauty and love. This story may have been passed on in secret among those who were believers and every time I read it I see deeper meaning in the words.
Joseph and Mary chosen to bring this child into the world were ordinary people. Joseph had to learn that from our hurts and anger cam come unexpected blessings. A child becomes the savior and the deliverer for those whose lives were changed and can still be changed today by his words and his example.
I was reminded as my neighbor sat and chatted how important it is for Christians to live out their faith with generosity and compassion. Yes, words are important but for those who will not hear our actions may tell the story. Yes, I believe every life has purpose and meaning
"Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good will toward men." Peace begins in our own hearts and that can be the greatest of miracles.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like snow , Dad will get his wish .