Sunday, May 6, 2018


Everything that exists has come into being by trial and error.  I will go to church today know that over the past week there have been many errors.  The main thing is we keep trying.

I can know see Creation as a process of trail and error as evolution still continues to happen
It was a good start but as we all know there is always room for improvement.

Religion must also be open to change as our ideas about God change and evolve.

God for me will always be a presence of creative energy that gives life to life.

Even trying to correct things I can make them worse so life continues to be a learning process even as I get older.

Stretching is important for our physical bodies but also for our spiritual reality.

One of my rules for life should be to work at fixing my own life but not that of others.

There will always be questions and always things out of our control.
Even the control of God!

God does meet us where we are at even in our errors. He will give us a new song to sing to help us journey forward into a greater peace and respect and love with dignity and equality.

Before creation began God was and will always be!


nancy-Lou said...

Trial and errors! Well some of those trials I could do without! This year in particular has been throwing me a lot of curve balls. I need to learn how to duck! haha.

How is your garden growing Beth? Do you have some peonies in bloom? Mine haven't even poked their noses out of the ground yet! I am hoping tomorrow I can finish cleaning up the garden boxes on the deck and plant my gladiolas...the corms are four years old now and so large. there are lots of bulbils too...I started with 12 and have 16 large ones plus the little bulbils. They are scarlet red with a white throat. Quite stunning.

I save three geranuims too and they are planted temporarily on the deck. They wintered just fine in the cold crawl space.

I am glad that Haiti had a good walk with you to the park. Dogs are so good for us seniors. Max is not well though. He is losing weight and drinking a lot of water. I am going to take him to the vet this week. I am worried about him. He may have cushings disease. The vet told me he had slightly elevated levels of something in his blood and it could lead to cushings. apparently little dogs like him are prone to it. that was last winter.

How are you feeling Beth? Are you still having pain from your hip?

We are watching hockey...How about those JETS! It they win the series with the Nashville Predators they will be in the semi finals...WOW. Winnipeg and all of Manitoba are going crazy. A large truck passed by me on the highway...going the other way, one of those trucks like a moving van with a roll up door on the back. It was all dusty and someone had written in the dust GO JETS GO....I could see it in the mirror in the car!
A lot of people working in the stores are wearing white t shirts with Go Jets Go on it.

Well I am going to go and watch more hockey. tomorrow night is the Jets game Winnipeg and it is a later game...8:30 for us and 6:30 for you.

Have a good sleep,
Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

My shopping trip to the states went pretty well. It was the first time ever crossing the Nexus lane on my own and I have to admit to being a little nervous, having visions of them turning me away. When I went to pick up my friend at her house I had a hard time looking at her at all since the view from her house in Birch Bay was just so perfectly stunning that it was mesmerizing.

I let her pick where we went and it was all the way to lynnwood. I got a couple of options for the wedding and some tops. Too bad the exchange is so bad but at least I got good deals.

Oh, and then on my way home I got a phone call and Randy will be picking up two kittens for us today.


beth bennett said...

Good for you Sandra.

Yes we are enjoying the hockey the games are so exciting.

Love mom