Friday, May 11, 2018


I like to think we have all being born with an inner strength and we just need to tap into it.
This is my prayer for Nancy Lou and others who are hurting.

Life is a miracle especially when we know we are loved and supported  for just being who we are.

Everyday a day to learn more about our inner strength and share our hearts with others.

What a blessing for me to pray for my family and keep in touch with this blog.  I welcome new readers and always your comments.  I am proud of our family and how you are working to help and support others.

Family, friends and faith make my day brighter!

Nice to have Haiti and Kim come for a surprise visit.
I now look at the ads on T.V. with a different perspective since Kim is in the White Spot commercial.
The actors work hard but also have fun doing it.  and they are real people.

The first White Spot restaurant dad and I went to was on Granville Street and it was very fancy and a place for fine dining.  Over the years it changed to becoming a family restaurant famous for good quality hamburgers..

We even had fun ordering from our car window waiting for the happy servers to come and take our order,  They would bring it with a tray that went across from window to window.

                                              We arrive early.Everything looks locely with white table clothes and flowers on each one.  The lunch makers greet us with happy faces and warm welcomes.  There is special food just for me.

A community of faith has given me inner strength, courage and hopr!

Where there is life there is hope.

Our loved ones who have gone on before us,  look on us with love and blessings.


Sandra said...

Looks like a very nice tea as usual. Waiting to hear news from Nancy Lou on how Carl is doing.


Shandel said...

Beautiful spread for tea. Was this for mothers day?
I have been keeping up as much as I can with the blog. I am thinking of Nancy and her Carl. Sending lots of love and good strength.

It is true about the weeds,they are always growing lol. I read an article in the local paper reminding people to garden in the evening if possible to keep themselves from becoming dehydrated or heat stroke. And if course to drink lots of water. It's a tough job!
Yesterday it was chilly here, only much warmer 20c. Looking I see to the long weekend. We are heading to the mountains!

beth bennett said...

Yes we are all waiting for news.

The tea is called a spring tea
and my other pictures did not turn out.

Enjoy your trip to the mountains Shandel and Cameron.

Love Grama