Monday, May 28, 2018


Early morning drive into Vancouver for dad;s meeting with the Stem Cell Girls.  We sure have been on the go lately.  The morning drive was excellent but coming home at 4 was a mess.  New buildings are going up all over the city and that can only mean more traffic.

We drove around the block twice of the building to find parking only to find a spot right beside the door.  The receptionist was very friendly and all the girls were dressed smartly in black.  We had a short wait before going down a long hall-way to a small office with the head girl.  She was friendly and talked about the benefits but also honest about the danger stem-cells could have on any cancer in the body.

These stem cells traffic through the whole body and find places that need to be repaired.
The assistant came in to take a picture of dad;s face as the concern is for the recurring pre-cancer cells and also the prostate cancer.  Dad also has to have an x-ray of his knee that was injured olaying hockey,

The part we did not like was the promotion of new skin care products that seem to be a big part of the business.  Dad had hoped to see the doctor but first there has to be reports from his three doctors.
Dad drove around Stanley Park but we ended up at our favorite Sylvia hotel.  We loved watching the traffic across from our corner window.  There was lots of traffic.  Birds, bikes, families, cars and buses.
A beautiful sunny day with a slight breeze.  The traffic home was bad but it has been worse.  Dad did a good job but found getting in the right lane that had some movement was not easy.  Home at last!

Now we have to decide what route we should take for treatment.  Lots of questions to be answered first.  We do not want to make anything worse.

I have found in my life there has been a guiding sense of a spirit that has helped me to face road blocks and disappointments.

The gift of life is a wonderful gift that has given us so much to be thankful for!


Sandra said...

It is good to see they are so through to make sure you understand. Last day here and then we are off to kelowna.

beth bennett said...

Enjoy your day!
Give our love to all.
Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

That was a very good report about the visit to the clinic, Beth. It certainly gives Larry and you a lot to think about. Also good that it takes three doctors to make the decision.

I went to see a doctor who did a skin biopsy and she did the same thing...promotes her skin care products and it really put me off. I don't think doctors should be allowed to do that.

She spend very little time with me once she knew I wasn't going to buy any. the biopsy she did for skin cancer on my snoz, came back negative ...but it was wrong. Luckily I sought another opinion and it resulted in me having a pretty large skin graft on my nose...due to the delay in getting it done. The plastic surgeon told me she didn't take a large enough sample.
I am not saying the clinic Larry went to would do that...i am sure they are reputable.

I was all dressed to to to Winnipeg today and had to cancel. I was really looking forward to seeing Carl and doing some errands. Also had a doctors appointment. Headache, nausea and dizzy. Don't want to take a germ into MICU....he is still in intensive care. It has been 21 days now. He is about the same today....not strong enough to get off the ventilator. No news on the brain MRI. Still unable to move. Not responsive except his eyes are open...but not really seeing. Pretty sad. they are still hoping for some improvement.

My poor little dog Max is really sick with the diabetes...I may have to take him in to the vet tomorrow. He is fading every day. Very hard.

But the good news is hot and I am gardening...which always makes me feel good.

It is nice to see Sandra and Randy are on a vacation seeing their kids. such cute pictures of the children.

I wish you a good day,
Love, Nancy