Wednesday, May 2, 2018


Dad has just gotten word from the Stem Cell People and he has to fill out a from so they can evaluate him and see if they can help.  We were both so excited.  We had just told Carol and Ken that he had had no news from them. 

Dad has been on the prayer list so I will say it is an answer to prayer.

Our journey of hope continues.

For me prayer has been a life-giving experience of talking things over with the One who loves us all.

I spent time in the yard when dad went to the skin doctor.  He wants to do a biopsy of the tiny growth in the corner of his eye.  Dad is not happy about it but all the rest of his spots are good.

He got all dressed up to go to the doctor and when he came home he wanted to eat out.  We talked about several places but ended up at the North View Golf Course.  It looks very beautiful with all the flowers coming out in bloom. 

We came home and I had a nap as I have had trouble sleeping.  I know I worry too much sometimes.
I need to pray more.  Working in the yard is causing my hip to be painful at night and it is hard getting comfortable.  I am told I need to take Tylenol.

Sandra phoned to see what the news dad had at the doctor.  Then Carol phones and then Ken.  Ken has received the parcel and will send it on to his friend here.

I believe this journey that I live by faith is worth the effort of continuing to learn and to trust that good things will happen for us all.  Prayer takes time as well as faith!


craig decraene said...

That’s great news, stem cell research hey, hope it works out.

Sandra said...

That is good to hear, I hope there are some good results from that.

No breaking news at our house. Randy is on afternoons so I just go home to a quiet house, well, except for Missy yelling at me.

I might piddle around in the garden for a bit but then off to Pilates at 5:30.

Peanut is getting more wobbly and falls over if the wind blows these days.

3 weeks till the wedding in Edmonton and we finally get to meet Walker.

beth bennett said...

I think so too.

:pve mom

Anonymous said...

I also worry to mich grama, I think I got it from you. We can pray together to help with sleep. I'm going to try and do some gardening at the new place. It's been raining here and they are calling for big thunder storms and winds up to 90km an hour!
Love Mary

beth bennett said...

Thank you Mary.

You are in my prayers too.

Love grama

Shandel said...

Stem cell research sounds very interesting and quite promising. I look forward to hearing more. Worrying is such a tough feel to navigate and if we let it get carried away it really steals our joy. Praying is very comforting for the mind. We have a nice warm day promised to us (Saturday) very much looking forward to it, a bit of yard work at my dad's and an afternoon walk with Cameron and Daisy. Keeping you and Grandpa in our prayers much like you do for Cameron and I. Xo

nancy-Lou said...

Excellent news for Larry. why does he need a stem cell stransplant? I hope he can go through with it and it helps him feel a lot better. Good Luck Larry!

We have been busy too, with Carl's surgery and then his care at I had the CT scan yesterday at the new hospital in Selkikr. My goodness is it ever nice! Much better organized than the old hospital. Lots of cheery light coming through big windows and skylights. The scan went problems. It didn't take long at all.
My son's girlfriend drove I felt very special. she insisted on staying with me I am not used to this but really like it. She is just a very special person...we are blessed.

Yes, those hard benches would be so uncomfortable for you (and me too ). I hope you didn't stay for the whole game and suffer. so nice of the boy to ask you to come. So nice of you both to go! You are good people, Larry and Beth.

Carl had to anesthetic for his bladder re section and it was painful for him. He is too high risk for anesthetic. they gave him a relaxing drug, but he was awake the whole time.
He was there for 7 hours.
Boy was I tired when I got was a three hour drive both ways, plus I drove a lot in the city while he was having his surgery...running errands that had been put off for a long time.

I actually got lost in a new area...went around and around on two round abouts...had to call in at the gas station to get directions.

Then I went to Ikea and got lost there...haha...I was tired walking and thought...oh goot there is a sign showing a short cut to the check outs...took it and after walking a ways...arrived back at the sign. What a day.

How nice of you to go and visit at the nursing home would be a breath of fresh air for those cooped up in there!

Have a wonderful day,
Love Nancy

beth bennett said...

Wow Nancy you both have had some difficult days.
Getting lost is no fun!

Larry has painful numb feet and legs and has trouble walking.

We hope this can help.

Thanks Shabdel for your prayers.

Love grandma