Tuesday, May 22, 2018



"Remember there is no such thing as a small act of kindness
every act creates a ripple with no logical end."

Kindness can takes many forms from giving to a person in need, to listening and caring about someone having a difficult time, to hold a hand or giving a hug all our little acts of kindness.

We were so thankful for the stranger who after running over.my purse felt the urge to stop on the freeway to see what he had run over. He then went home and looked up our phone number and gave us a call.  He was grateful for the return of his cell phone only a week previous.  He grew up in Prince Albert and dad thinks they may have even played hockey against one another.  

Kindness is energizing!

Dad worked in the yard and I rested.

Rick stopped by on his way home to Kamloops as he forgot his cell phone here.

"Accustomom yourself continually to be kind, for acts of kindness and love enkindle andmelt the soul."  -Theresa of Avila


Sandra said...

Doing my last tidy, then dropping off the kittens and going to work and then we hit the road.


beth bennett said...

I pray that you will have a enjoyable holiday
as you travel together and bring hearts of love and joy
where ever you go.

Love you

Love mom