Tuesday, May 8, 2018


These flowers are outside the library and are just about finished.

"Look at this new day as another special gift from your Creator
another opportunity to complete what you were unable to finished yesterday."
-Og Mandino

Everyday I seem to be leaving unfinished work for the next day.  The work in the garden is never ending of course.  I cut the lawn again in the morning and I am sure by the afternoon it was growing again.  Dad also did some work digging and helping to plant a new flower and trim edges.

We took things to the Thrift Store and picked up a few summer tops.  It is an interesting place to wander around and not as big as the bigger store, I cannot remember the name.

I have healed well as far as my hip goes but I am frustrated with my walking and getting up when I am working in the garden.  I tire easily and think I am just getting lazy.

To-morrow which is Wed. I am being picked up to go out for lunch with our Bible study group.  Yes we will be planning a new study for next year.

We have learned that our faith will be tested as we finish what we have to learn about our daily walk with Jesus and with our friends.  One on one or in a small group.

I am thankful that God is not finished with me yet because He loves me and wants the best for me.

I like to believe in original goodness instead of original sin but we have the potential for both!


Sandra said...

I guess we wont be finished till we finish.

I can picture Chuck up in heaven yelling down "but I wasn't finished putting the tire on!"

I am working on a new plan for my garden by the front door. It is all in my head right now, but that means I have not touched anything there yet and it is looking very sad and neglected.

The male kitten Clyde is warming up nicely and will let us pet him while he purrs away, but Bonnie is still very skittish and we have to force our attentions on her.


beth bennett said...

Yes I like your comment about Chuck.

Love mom