Saturday, May 19, 2018


New baby ducks are being guarded by mom!
I try to creep close to capture a picture.  Mother is standing on guard knowing she will protedt them while she can.  They will follow her everywhere for the next while.I had a good walk around the little lake enjoying the warmth of the sunshine and the fresh air from a slight breeze. Walking for me has always been a time for me to share my burdens with  a loving presence that lives in all things.

"We are called to walk, to grieve, to trust and to pray, to think and to thank, and to love and live in hope for renewed strength and courage."  -Timothy Keller

Looking forward to another visit from Craig and Leah.

Went to sleep praying for Nancy and Karl and woke up to wait for news. Thankful she has her family to support her as well as her faith to give her courage and strength.

We can be fearless in life and in death Love carries us!


Sandra said...

We have a goose family at the big pond just down the road now. This is their second spring having their babies there. I am kind of surprised the city has not chased them away like they did to the beavers.

Had a bit of a scare yesterday with one of the kittens having blood in its poop. She seems OK, but I have not had to deal with any death or illness in any of my foster animals and I do not want to start now.

Randy just has one more shift to work before we leave and I have two.


beth bennett said...

Carol the ducks were at Boundary Park.
Dad drove there and I had a walk around.

Sandra it is so good when we have things to look forward to.

Thankful your kitten was okay.

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Just a quick note before bed. Carl is in very critical condition still. Friday he had his large bowel and his gall bladder removed..big surgery.They both were dead and gangreenous, from the infection. they just left him today they took him back to the OR and cleaned him out and gave him a stoma for the small intestine. They didn't close the opening again...will want to go back and clean again.
He is still in shock...has been for many days and has the most life support they can give him. The next 24 to 48 hours will be critical...he needs to show some improvement. Still in a coma.

Thank-you and Larry for your prayers...they are much appreciated. I will write again soon,

Love, Nancy

Love, Nancy