Wednesday, May 16, 2018


Every time you do not follow your inner guidance,
you will feel a loss of energy
loss of power
a sense of spiritual deadness.
-Shakti Gawain

Find the journey's end in every step.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

I am bound to live up to what light I have.
-Abraham Lincoln

To have a purpose that is worthwhile
and that is steadily being accomplished,
that is one of the secrets of life
that is worth living.
-Herbert Casson

We can as individuals do so little to help the sad and suffering in this world,
the lonely, the bereaved, the imprisoned, the sick in mind or body,
but we can reach out to those within our knowledge
with courtesy, kindness, an unexpected gift, 
or a visit.
-Pam Brown

Dad drove me over to visit Joan in the Home after he had a bike ride.
He is back riding his bike which is excellent.
Just by listening and walking with Aneta she is doing better.

My feelings about this life is to make an effort not to hurt others
but also to comfort the sad and lonely.

I am thankful we can learn from our mistakes
and every day is the dawn of new opportunities.


Sandra said...

Doing a little good and no harm would certainly improved the world a lot if everyone did that.

It was kind of nice to have a break from the heat.

Kittens are doing great, getting more friendly all the time, just waiting on word now on when I will be dropping them off since of course Kimberly will not be watching them.


beth bennett said...

They are very lucky kittens.

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Hi Beth, I have missed your blog for so many days now. I have a lot of good reading to catch up on. It was so nice to see all the photos from the Mothers Day party at Sandra's....a pool party! I was thinking when I saw Ophelia getting in the pool, how many kids and adults have enjoyed the pool. Now two more little ones to have fun. Well not the baby yet! But next year I am sure.

Carl is still in a coma which was induced by the doctors to give his body a rest. It has been 6 days without the drug now and he still hasn't woken up. they say it can take two days or two weeks. It is very difficult to see him hooked up to so many things...a ventilator, a dialysis machine for his renal failure, plus all the IV's and bags of drugs and food.
There hasn't been much change in the 9 days he has been there. they haven't been able to find where the infection is...but cultured the infection and know what antibiotics to give him now.
He is still in very critical condition in medical intensive care. I am so tired from driving so often to see him. I didn't go today...first day I could just stay home and rest...and catch up on things around the house. I called his nurse though for an update.

I was so sorry to hear that Sandra and Randy had to put Lucy to sleep....I thnk that is one of the hardest things to thoughts are with them.

I had to take Max, my dog to the vet yesterday and got bad news. he has diabetes and it is a type that is hard to manage and he won't live long...maybe a few months. he may have a tumour on his pancreas as all his hormones are out of whack. So I learned how to give him injections of insulin and it is all going very well. He doesn't even know I give him a needle. He seemed to have a lot more energy tonight...he has been so lethargic and peeing his bed every night...but I line it with plastic and old towels...this should stop now that he is on insulin. So we will enjoy every day with him.

I have been invited to supper twice to my son and his partner's...i am getting so spoiled! She is such a lovely lady...truly lovely, kind and caring.

I was glad to read that Larry is getting out on his bike for rides now and to hear that you are busy with your garden and lawn. good for you. I hear it has been hot there and we are freezing here...north winds and not very warm temperatures.

Well I hope to get back in the swing to reading your blogs again...but still have to go to Winnipeg at least every second day, for now.

Take care my dear friends...

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

What an exhausting time Nancy.
It would be so difficult to see Karl with all those life supports on him.
Hopefully the antibiotics will cure the infection.
In this life we have to have courage to endure suffering.
Family give us the support we need.

Praying for you and Karl and the doctors.

Love beth