Thursday, September 4, 2008


We all need to be inspired. Passionate people who speak with words of wisdom touch something deep inside our souls. We want to believe! We want to believe that change is possible and that the words of both Barack Obama and Sarah Palin will bring new life if they are truly committed to act out their belief. Are they really speaking for those in their country who have no voice and are they qualified to govern?

We are also here in Canada facing decisions about our government Meanwhile another three young men have died in Afghanistan. Will what they are doing save lives and create a better and freer world?

Who do we believe and why?

I am reading about "Cosmic Consciousness" which is described as the space less, timeless and infinite Spirit, which has creative powers. Those with a scientific outlook may like these words better than "God". It seems to me that both science and religion need to turn away from dogma
and communicate with each other and learn with a more open mind.

I only know that I have experienced a Presence that was beyond my comprehension that felt like an inner sensation of being alive and being loved.

My faith in the words of Jesus have inspired me and challenged me to grow and mature.

Someone asked for a copy of my talk at church and them commented after reading it, that is was probably the way that it was spoken not the words themselves. I guess our words do need passion!

"The most beautiful emotion we can experience is the mystical. It is the power of all true art and science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead!" Physicist Albert Einstein.

I love the fall that paints our world with brillant, breathtaking colours that remind me of the passion for beauty of our Creator!

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