Monday, September 1, 2008


The message was given by the Youth Minister and so there were lots of young people there full of enthusiasm and the excitement of being young. This was interesting as I had just been thinking of how at times I feel old and forgetful ,but at other times I experience the joy of just having fun, and being who you are.

We enjoyed a delightful movie on Sat. called the Outscourcer about an American going to India to teach people there to sell American goods over the phone. He hated India with its smells and crowds of people and different food and customs. He tried to change his student workers into becoming more like him.

He started to make friends and realize his land-lady wanted so much to please him and yet teach him new ways. He begins to see doing things their way was the best way for them.

One of my best experiences going to church was having it at the park. We were not separated from the rest of the world by a building or an order of service. Children ran around and played, and we sat on the grass and relaxed. People were attracted to the happy music, and a group of people enjoying life.

Just like going away on a holiday where you feel different because you are free to wander around and see a different world. Jesus was inviting people into this world, to experience the joy of holiness. People come because they are curious and find something attractive.

Holidays end and so does every party and every movie which transports us into another time and place. There comes a time to hear what will give us strength, and the courage to return to our daily routine lives. We know now how important it is for children who have cancer to laugh and go to camp, and just be young at heart.

If life were just a party Jesus would not have had to face strong opposition and battle the forces of evil that torment the soul and causes violence and hatred. There came a time when he spoke words that challenged people to face their own struggles, knowing that his courage would be with them.

I know how poor health can rob you, as can poor self esteem, so that you can find yourself in a prison of not being able to change or see any future hope. People come to the end of themselves, reach bottom, (as we often put it) for many reasons. We all have expected life to be fair but it is terribly unfair. People face storms, like hurricanes, but also inner storms that others may not even be aware of.

As long as we are alive we will face problems and difficulties but if in the midst we feel loved we can find the strength to carry on. Not only to climb up our mountain but help others to climb their mountain.

I went up for prayer to this young man with so much love in his heart. He talked about a Spacious God who has room for us all, room for all our emotions, all our failures and defeats.
I asked for prayer for Leah, our hearts hurt for her and hope healing is coming; and we prayed for Stephen, who may have mono or organ damage. He is going through tests.

I talk to God a lot and feel reassured that I am being heard, just like I knew this young man heard my burdens and for that moment share them with me.

Jesus came to teach us and to help us understand the world we live in. He wanted our vision to become larger not narrower so that we could see into the soul of another with compassion and be willing to pray for each other. Prayer is asking how can I make this world a better, safer place not asking for our will but seeking His will.

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