Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Yes, I have a plan [Larry is laughing] as he remembers the night I had a plan to get out of the hospital. I was hooked up to a heart monitor, I. V. machine, a drain from my lung, and a catheter but I declared to him "I have a plan to get out of here in the morning." [It took two more days but I did it. I think along with my family I hear "God" laughing at my plans.

Today I have a short walk. and then go to the Massage place [Shara knows] and then in the afternoon I go to the physio again. I looked at the row of pills beside my bed, muscle relaxants, various pain pills, a mild sleeping pill and I think there has to be a better way to control pain.

I am trying to take as few pills as possible but pain does funny things to you.
Like if I just take one more that one will work.

I also plan to do Yoga and believe Larry is coming too; it will be good for both of us. I will practice other exercises and by next year I will be marching up Grouse Grind! Or maybe back re arranging furniture!

Shara, thanks for the note, we just love the pictures of Addison! She is adorable!

The final plan will be to go to Sandra and Randy's to give her her card and a East Indian dress to wear while she does her exercise. East India video work out. Maybe I will add that to swimming and yoga. There certainly will be no time for house work!

So far so good. Fineshed the walk only slight ache.
Said prayers; no pills so far!
Made the bed, took vitamins and had a shower!


Anonymous said...

I hope the swimming will help your back Mom .


beth bennett said...

Yes I remember that evening well - phone call at midnight "help- get here as fast as you can I need you - bring Kenny!" Thinking you were dying or being harmed in some way I rushed - really rushed - straight in to the Vancouver General 12th floor. When I arrived you were a sorry sight - out of bed sitting in a chair - wires and tubes wound all around the chair, the stand holding most of them, and the bed. This was the extensive care area of the lung operation ward - second night after getting half a lung removed!The two young small nurses were occupied with a large German fellow with a extemely loud harsh sounding voice threatening to kill them and himself etc etc.
I managed to ge Beth untangled and into bed - she was very frightened that the loud man was going to kill her. I sat holding her hand until the went to sleep - she looked so vunerable, (and beautiful) especially with all the beeping and pumping sounds emitting from her attachements. At about four in the morning her eyes suddenly popped wide open - I mean wide! She motioned me to come closer to her - I put my ear to her mouth "I have a plan"
your husband