Sunday, August 31, 2008


This is me just about ready to join Sandra in her India dancing DVD
The isnside of the store - very beautiful things.

I feel so very fortunate that when I wake in the morning I feel very alive and full of ideas of what I want to do. Looking in the mirror reminds me that my age is showing with all those hard earned wrinkles. After a bite of breakfast, my words and thoughts for the day expressed, I start for my morning walk. The fresh air and being out in the world with so much to see and experience makes me feel young again. I can walk fairly fast so I feel good when I can pass elderly slower paced walkers.

I enjoy walking with my friends, and we talk of all shorts of things. I had great walks with Christopher and it seemed to help him talk. I have enjoyed walks with Rick, Kenny and Melina and of course Kim and once or twice with Roxy. Sandra and I walked the dogs when she was staying with us but two dogs was a challenge.

Most people are friendly that I meet and I pick up some of the mess left by careless youth who discard their junk on the path. I suppose this helps make the world a little more beautiful and gives me a purpose.

I feel young when I am with young people and although we have different ideas I am impressed at all the things they are doing and great ideas they have. A simple book club meeting can be turned into an East Indian atmosphere. We walked around a place on Scott Road where we had never been before where all the stores where full of East Indian clothes hoping to find something for Theresa. I want to go back there again. Maybe Sandra would like an outfit to practice her Eastern dancing D.V.D.

I find it hard to keep in touch with my grandchildren. I know they are all busy but I do like to hear how they are doing. I worry if I hear and I worry if I do not. Pictures on the face-book bring me great joy and I love to see them.

I am enjoying this beautiful morning and will be off striding in a moment. I pray as I walk and this morning Stephen will be on my heart especially as he is not well and going through tests and may have mono.

Years ago I was put in hospital, actually I had taken Sandra to the doctor and he noticed I was looking jaundiced and was very tired and my throat was very sore; so sore it was hard to eat or talk.
My blood was very low and I was given lots of tests. They were worried about the liver. I was extremely constipated and exhausted and depressed.
They called it mono and built my blood up and gave me other stuff. I think I was in the hospital about a week, a long time for me.

Even with all the tests they have they do not always know for sure.

I did recover and I had forgotten all about this until now.

I will be praying for you all on my walk, that Rick will have a safe return from his holiday, and Mary returning from Edmonton with her new "bling bling"; Michael John will be thrilled to meet her. Randy I do not knoe who you and Sandra are going to bring that big, huge table home, you must be expecting your family to keep growing.

I pray that the birthday girls will be able to come on Sat. I do hope Leah will be able to come and that Tasha does not have to work. My plan is to go to the park and have games and run around and eat sandwiches and finger foods.

One of the blessings of maturing is that everyday is a holiday and we have a beautiful places to go out to enjoy lunch.

Dad still has to see the doctor for his lip quamish cells so we hope that will be soon. I have finally ex-rays Sept. 27 but am enjoying many good days with some pain in the evenning.

I am happy that it is Sunday and will be attending church with Larry at my side and hear some good news. Somehow I think God sees me differently than I see myself and that is good because He sees the best, the young me still with hopes and dreams and a purpose that encourages me to live each day with faith and laughter. After all wrinkes are just laugh lines.!

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