Sunday, August 24, 2008


Just could not stop napping yesterday. Boy were we tired!

Larry did work on his maps of London; he is mapping out the life of Samuel Pepys in the 1600's.
The maps are now on the wall and being coloured coded. I totally agree with the brain book that our brains are wired differently. "Yes dear," I say, " that is very interesting."

I had a short walk to the Safeway. But I am pretty faithful with my walking so it should be doing me some good, brain wise.

We watched the D. V.D. of Muhammad, did not realize he was political as well as spiritual. Each religion has great leaders but often their wisdom is ignored.

We then, after a nap, watched "The Brain Rules". We need to get our sleep. and exercise, and control stress, and keep learning new things, and walking down country lanes like Rick is doing.
We live in such a beautiful world why can't we be happy and stop killing each other.

This morning we will be going to hear Doug Graves, "the preacher man", at Colebrook Church. We have a study group with him and his knowledge is amazing. He is both wise and humble.

I talked to Leah on the phone and invited them all, Bobby, Susan, Keith to the birthday bash on Sept. 6. Maybe I will ask Chris to come and help me cook.

Today I will be reading "The Spiritual Brain" a book by a Neuoscientist presenting the case for the existence of the soul.

Maybe Mary and Mikael John will be back and we will be going to Sandra's

Carol and Panteli are still getting the house ready to pain, scraping and scraping.

I will close with a quote, "Evidence supports the view that individuals who have religious, spiritual, or mystical experiences do in fact contact an objectively real "force" that exists outside themselves." -Mario Beauregard, PH.D. and Denyse O'Leary.

Enjoy your day and put your heart and soul into it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, if it makes you feel any better we have been just as sleepy at our end of town. I was thinking of my brain book too, wondering when I will see it again.
No word from Mary yet, 7:36. I hope they are out of the rain and safely on their way home.