Thursday, August 14, 2008

I had a dream

I had a dream that Sandra; the daughter who does not look like me so she has been told, phoned to say we had to go to church in our pyjamies. No I told her that can't be right. Don't worry she said I have some nice new pyjamas you can wear. Just then Larry woke me up to turn on the T.V. to watch the Olmypics. I will never know what I would have done.

By the way I am sure Dr. Laura says you should not have a T.V. in the bedroom.

Late at night, at nine oclock, if I am watching T.V. I fall asleep. Last night we watched a video which I am sure I had never seen before but Larry says we did. I find that disconcerting. Our memories are so important and I know I should be doing crossword puzzles like Randy to keep my brain working. I quess I should start with really simple ones and then I would feel smart.

I look at baby Matthew and think of all the things he has to learn. Children seem so much brighter today it is really amazing. As we get older we learn to hide our feelings and not burst into tears like little Morgan. Instead we become annoyed or angry.

I believe the anger that drives us to take action can be helpful; so we can use the negative emotions and allow good to help us overcome.

I am amazed at the way the Chinese seem able to move as one. They have mastered the art of synchronizing. I think that this relates to the spiritual world in the way we learn to tune into one another. Prayer is the heart reaching out in love and compassion as we take time to feel how some one else is feeling. There are some days when one person keeps coming to my mind and later I may find out why.

Dreams are an important part of who we are. Sometimes they are funny and other times they give us a message.

Children often have bad dreams that frighten them. My worse dream was being eaten by a huge tiger. I am sure I had some happy dreams but do not seem to remember them.

I think I hear snoring from the bedroom and the T.V. is off. But my dreaming is fineshed for now.


Anonymous said...

Hey Mom,

You can use paragraphs, you know. Would make it easier to read.

And I don't approve of TVs in bedrooms either.



Anonymous said...

Beth, I love your blog. It makes me feel like I am there but your up way too early. Jeanne

Anonymous said...

I can never remember my dreams. I
Wonder if that is good or bad?
( I am in bed watching olympics on telly )

beth bennett said...

Rick I did paragraphs and it did not work and the spaces did not space?

Anonymous said...

It isn't just the doing puzzles so much as doing something totaly different so your brain muscles have to keep working. You could sign up with me for my next accounting course. Doesn't that sound more fun then silly crosswork puzzles.