Saturday, August 23, 2008


I remember some show where they were always ask, "Is that your final answer?"

I am thankful for the good news of what is not wrong but still have no answer for what is causing my pain. The tests will continue but I think that I have to find out the solution for myself and how to releave the days and times when I feel more pain.
Certainly it was good news for Larry who was more worried than I was. I have more empthy now for the one who carries worries about the other.

Jesus said, "I have come to give you good news"; and so far we have not really discover the depth of the good news he promised. He does remind us to live one day at a time, "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life"? So far I do not seemed to have grasped this vital truth. Sorry Jesus I cannot help worrying. Moving furniture was such a great coping skill.

So I did, yes I did, move a few things around in the computer room of all places!

I like the part in the book "The Brain Rules that says "we do not see with our eyes. We see with our brians. That raised a lot of questions. Also "Vision is by far the nost dominant sense, taking up half of the brains resources." Now when I read that I immediately thought of vision as being insight, or the ability to see beyond reality." I think I will have to read more.

One reason I got this book out, Sandra's book, was because I woke up wide awake at 3 in the morning remembering we had left the garage door open with all Larry's tool right in the open.
My poor brain even worries when I am sleeping!


Anonymous said...

that is good news Mum.

Anonymous said...

I see you are now using separate paragraphs - that is great!
