Saturday, August 9, 2008

What is a hero?

We see amazing young people giving all their strength to compete in the Olimpics. Only a very few will become heroes. There already has been death and tragedy that reminds us that breathtaking displays and spectacular feats do not protect us from the uglyness of hate and prejudice.

The sky in Georgia, the former Soviet republic's breakaway province, was lit up with exploding gun fire as armoured tanks and bombs destroy human life and homes and freedom. We all fear what will happen next?

There will be many unsung hero's who will risk their lives to save others in this war as there is in all wars. Our brave young Canadian boys face death daily while others at home question why.
These soldiers face the enemy within as well as without and their lives are being scared by their experiences.

Who is a hero? Not the fast riding motor-biker, not just the winner in the race, not the fearless but those who face fear in their own lives with courage and honesty and humor.

I sit with My Hero everyday at the cancer clinic among all the others. I am sure that Mr. J does not see himself as a hero but he has fought back after a stroke and now walks and talks with difficulty. Still he makes an effort to talk and is always kind and thoughtful.

Mr H. had a chance to be a hero when he went to the Olimpics in Rome as a bike rider, only to be told they couldn't compete when his team mate suddenly died. Days and months of strenuous training and his own chance of glory all crashed down around him.

I have heard many stories of people, some returning for another set of radiation.

It takes courage to face cancer, like the racer who enters the race with no hope of winning, none of us know what to-morrow will bring. We walk among our every-day ordinary hero's like mom's and dad's who sacrifice for their children, giving all their energy to care and provide.

We all face uncertainty, doubt and fear combined with exhaustion that can threaten to over-whelm us but there awaits for us a badge declaring yes, we are heroes!

I am thankful for the strength and courage and determination I see in our family.

The book "The Cloud of Unknowing" tells us that all rational beings possess two faculities, the power of knowing and the power of loving. The intellect struggles with the unknown mystery of the sacred reality and yet believers see it all around them.

Just enter the race and keep being yourself.

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