Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Healing Imagination

As I sat waiting for Larry, known better as dad, or grandpa or great-grandpa, the man across from me seemed eager to talk. He told me he had been in for treatment last summer and now was with his wife for treatment. I asked him about the side affects and how it bothered him.

He then began to tell me all about healing energy and how if you visualize your feet with roots that go into the ground and imagine healing energy flowing into your body you can concentrate on the area that needs healing and allow the light to penetrate and heal. He said that with faith and imagination or visualization you can heal yourself.

He talked about a positive attitude and I agreed.

I had shared at church in my talk about a healing room I imagine.

"Our soul is like a huge house with many rooms.
All the rooms; except one, are filled with things, with people and activities
there is noise and interruptions. We are all so busy our minds full of thoughts
with worries and doubts.

There is a secret room waiting to be discovered if you still your mind and heart.
Not everyone can see it and if you do you have to decide whether to enter or not.
Am I willing to become like a child again?
To enter I take off my shoes, my responsibilities and respectability.

At first the room seems dark with shadows. We live in the shadow of our fears and doubts and misunderstandings. We carry within our souls our painful experiences that cause us to become sick, with monor or major aches and pains.

I look for light and then I see a tree bending and moving like it is weeping and it has the form of a cross. I feel a gentle warmth like the wings of angels placed upon me and I look up into the smiling eyes of Jesus. "My child," he says "I am always with you."
He speaks with his eyes and my heart responds. I know that this is a place of stillness and peace; a sacred healing place. I relax and become one with the energy that radiates from Jesus.
The room becomes alive with the energy of his love filling me.
I prayerfully lift up my loved ones into his care."

I silently listen to the enthusiam of the man and wish I could share with him but I do not.

I am having doubts about putting my thoughts in a blog.
My belief that we are all spiritual beings that have the potential to dream and imagine great and wonderful things is a part of who I am.

Jesus said "let those with ears to hear, listen and they will hear.


Anonymous said...

good one mom.

Anonymous said...

That's so beautifully put, beth. You have an amazing way with words that I never knew you did. Your faith and devotion is inspiring in a time in my life when things don't seem hopeful. Thank you!

beth bennett said...