Wednesday, March 15, 2017


                                     Some times the world seems a little bit up side down.

I slept in the spare bedroom after dad had a bad coughing fit but he did not miss me.  It was an act of self perseverance which I think some times we have to do.

Dad and I drove to the x-ray place and it was totally changed and up dated.  He even could see his own chest x-ray.  He said it looked nasty.  He is coughing up stuff but is very short of breath.  I am not sure what this means.  He is worried about going to bed to-night because it is worse.  It is a frightening feeling as anyone who has had asthma knows.

Dad has lost his appetite so I keep trying to find something he may like.  I made chicken soup to-day and he actually liked it.  I figured that for my own health and self-perseverance I need to cook for myself and hope he likes it.

It seems that everyone has problems that test the power of their belief.  This can be the belief of your own worth.  I need to protect myself from feelings of weakness that are my own faults.

Lent is a time to look honestly at our own faults and seek forgiveness and offer forgiveness to any who have hurt us whether it was intentional or not.

Things in our family are changing but having a visit from a daughter makes our day.  Thanks Sandra and Peanut for spending time with us on your way home.  I know when I have been out I am always anxious to get home.

Lightning has just lit up the sky and now the thunder is booming and then comes very heavy rain.

Now we had better get ready for bed as the power may go out.  I am not good at finding my way in the dark.  Hoping dad has a better sleep to-night.

So like the say on the airplane put your oxygen mask on first so you can help others.  This is what I am trying to say.  It is good to put others first but not in some situations!


Sandra said...

Randy and I were going to go for our walk after watching our tv show but decided at the last minute to go before...and good thing we did!

We would have been soaked to the bone if we would have been caught out there in the thunderstorm and the torrential rain.

It was a no supper night for me. Randy had not planned anything and I appear to have caught another cold. Sore throat and headache and just wanted a cup of tea.

The smell is not near as bad as when we got all the main floors done, but we did have all the windows open before the rain started. It was fun watching Randy jump up and run to close them all.

By joining the group it is my own self preservation. I have found it hard to plan to go out not knowing if Randy would be home or not and if we would want to do something together. I am no choosing to not wait. I will be joining the group for a walk this Sunday so hopefully get a chance to talk to more people.


nancy-Lou said...

hmmm Self preservation...well that is something I think I need to do more of. I do have my studio where I can shut the door and hope not to be disturbed for a while.

I am glad you moved to the spare room for a good sleep Beth. The coughing always seems to be the worst at night. I hope the xrays didn't show any don't want to get that.
I was so sick when I had pneumonia I had to lie down on the doctor's examining table while waiting to see him and gave him a start when he came into the room and no one was sitting on the chair. He sent me right upstairs to the hospital to be admitted.

How is Larry feeling today?

Good for Sandra joining a group to make friends...they say it is hard to make friends in Vancouver. I have heard that from some friends who moved out there. All one has to do here is go up to the local community centre and there are so many friendly folks there and a great canteen as well. They are always putting on things like this weekend is a kids snow day on Saturday and the fellows have been meeting in the evenings making prizes for the kids. It is wonderful to see the younger folks stepping up and taking over running the various events now. What a community it is. vibrant.

It just started to rain here and will change to snow overnight, so the roads will be slippery in the morning. I hope not too bad as I want to drive over to the pharmacy to take the book for the fellow's little daughter.

We thought we saw a fisher walking through the dense bush by our house. We haven't seen any rabbits since and think he may have killed them. We are hoping not...but no bunnies and I miss seeing them. Fishers are quite dangerous and I know one man who was chased in his house by one. It is a good thing my cat isn't going out in this weather.

Today is a piano teaching day so I must get cracking....get supper organized.

wishing you and Larry a wonderful day with healing thoughts...

Love Nancy

Steady-as-rain said...

Oh dear - this doesn't sound good!

Hope Dad (and you) had a reasonable amount of sleep last night.

Yes, you must not neglect yourself even when concerned about Dad.



beth bennett said...

What is a fisher?