Monday, March 6, 2017


It keeps snowing.  It melts during the day and then another dump of snow.  I would think the roads would be difficult today.  Glad just to stay home.

Sunday was unbelievable as we decided to arrive at Carol's early but when we got there we realized we were too early and in fact were not really invited.  It was a party more for friends than for family but of course as family we would be welcomed.  Dad had a sleep on the chesterfield and we headed home.

Just imagine if we us travelling by air.  We would get on the wrong plane and I am sure arrived at the wrong destination. Life seems confusing st times.

Reading the parables of Jesus can be confusing.  The parable of the The Talents is one of the most difficult and most misinterpreted .  It starts out with the master being generous and giving to his servants a different amount of money.  The first two used the money wisely to invest and so they could share with others.

The last servant instead of seeing the master as generous and good  believed him to be hard- hearted and mean spirited.  His true feelings of anger and false belief created foolish behavior.

In doing so we ended up in a place of unbelievable hell by his own harsh critical beliefs.
I have reread this many times and this is how I see this parable.

Or could it be comparing a earthly master who demands a profit to
God who invites us into his joy no matter how we succed or fail!
 I truly believe it is good to believe that there is goodness in everyone and sometimes we do not hear or understand what was said so we make unfair judgments.

"The only thing people regret is that they did not live bodly enough, that they did not infest enough Heart, did not love enough.
Nothing else really counts at all.  -Ted Hughes

1 comment:

nancy-Lou said...

WHAT? More snow? Yikes this isn't funny any more...How are the spring flowers holding up with the snow and cold. i remember those beautiful pink shrubs that bloomed in February...and other shrubs and flowers. Oh my, how awful for you.

We, in contrast are used to it and we have been receiving rain lately rather than seems as though things have turned upside down doesn't it? We had a couple of inches of rain todaym now turning colder and ice and snow. We got everything done we needed to do and will stay put for a couple of days.

Well I am glad, that even though you had the day wrong and weren't invited you still stayed and had a visit with everyone. things happen!

Time to clean up the kitchen. I made meatball soup and it will freeze some and make some scones to go with it tomorrow for supper.

Wishing you a good evening, Beth and larry,

Love Nancy

We have had so many deaths happen around here lately. One was Carl's cousin's wife from cancer at age 58, our neighbour died of pneumonia on the weekend age 76, a school bus driver died at age her sleep and Carl had a cousin die at age 92. All within a couple of weeks. WOW. One never knows what is going to happen do they? Lots of funerals. Poor Carl most of his friends have passed on and he is the last member of his immediate family who is still living. i guess this happens when we get old, right?
We had lots of company today...the bottled water fellow came ( another Ateah cousin ) and both our sons were here too. Had a good visit with them all.