Friday, March 24, 2017


What a fun time visiting with Leah and Ophelia.  She is sitting up and also reaching out to toys on the floor.  She does not like going in her car seat.  She actually smiled but this time I did not catch it.

Time seems to be standing still here so it was good to have company.  Dad was asleep upstairs upon on the bed.  He was not coughing but I think he will go see the doctor again to-morrow as I think he may need more antibiotics.

I had a walk and also walked over to the store.  A good place to get a little inspiration.  I made rice pudding but dad said "Where are the raisins?"  I added them.

At times I have done some crazy things and said a stupid word or two but it is just being a part of the human race.  Love me anyway because as we support and encourage each other we are improving.

As I struggle to think of what to write I am reminded that all it takes is one word at a  time.

I am fortunate to have the time to read and think where as in the past I would struggle with Time!

I am  a part of the here and now and yet at the same time aware that in time I will look back and this sickness will be forgotten.  Creativity is a great healer.

"Jesus I am resting in the joy of what Thou art
I am finding out the greatness of Thy loving heart.How I gaze and gaze upon Thee
As Thy beauty fills my soul
For by Thy transforming image
Thou hast made me whole."

The old hymns remind us to take time to be holy!


Steady-as-rain said...

I'm glad that Leah and Ophelia came by to visit. Seems Ophelia will be a bit of a tyrant in terms of wanting attention, but that is true for most babies.

Good news that Dad was sleeping, but I suppose that means he wasn't able to get much sleep during the day.

Glad you can get out a bit more for a walk now and then, now that it seems like the snow is truly gone for the year!

I'm back home now in Kamloops.



Anonymous said...

I had a better sleep after a week of late shifts. Melina stayed at her moms , she did not feel to well ,dizzy. Jasmine is still doing gymnastics. Very hot and humid yesterday. We had a good drop of rain. Australian formula Grand Prix is on today. I hope the rain stays away.

beth bennett said...

Always good to har from my boys!

Dad is feeling a little better but it will take time.

Had my walk today.

Leah has a good attitude about everything
which makes her visit a pleasure.

Sorry Melina is feeling dizzie again.

Love mom