Thursday, March 16, 2017


A little bit of color in my garden.
Every day I do a small patch of tidying up.

Sandra you would be wise to take care of that sore throat and cold coming on.  All of a sudden it can turn nasty.  Everyone says drink lots.  Life is harder when shift work is involved/

Dad and I were both croaking like a pair of frogs last night so it was a long night,  Today we decided to get serious.  We have the steamer going with some oil in it and have some special teas and yes the apple cider vinegar.  Dad sat in the bathroom with the steamer going.  No word about his x-ray so that is good news.  I am saying it will probably be about three weeks for us to both really feel better, but I have been wrong before but I am prepare for a slow healing. 

Had a nice surprise in the morning when Kim arrived with Haiti.  She was staying in Vancouver and Haiti barked all night.  Panteli came and picked her at supper time.

I was happy to take her for a walk as it gives me a deep sense of well being, even though I have slowed down just a bit.  Haiti expects us to have a walk and follows me around until we go.

So we have our tea and our steamer and are all prepared for a better night to-night.


Sandra said...

Does it matter what I drink, or just drinking lots in general is good?

I noticed when I was there on Wednesday how nice your garden was looking. You are fortunate that your garden faces south and is on a slope so it dries out faster. Even just walking on my grass right now it sloshes from all the water.

I am very good at doing nothing, there is no one quite like me when it comes to resting. Randy and I will have a few things to finish to get ready for the cabinets next week but the real push will come the following weekend when we will start to move everything back in from the garage.


beth bennett said...

I like hot water with lemon.

We have Ginger tea, and Camomille and Breathe Easy Tea

and I think plain tea is okay too.

Resting is good.\

Dad sent a text to Kenny and Matthew, it is hot there.

Love mom