Tuesday, March 28, 2017


                                             I am going to try and remember to put the date on.

I decided if dad is going to be speechless impossible as that sounds maybe I should look into the Quakers.  A group that meets in silence in a circle or a row of chairs.  They are pacifists who stand by their beliefs.

They believe in the power of prayer and the possibility of hearing"the divine whisper".  It is through prayer they invite God's light into their souls.

"It is not only what I am but it is what God is that threads into this act and gives it the power to open life around it."  What I am is what I do.  Prayer demands action that arises out of the small nudges and gentle pressures we feel.  Seeds are given in prayer for planting.Members of the Religious Society of Friends have produced great writings.

James Michener, George Fox, Richard Foster, William Penn, Jessamyn West ,John Woolman and Philip Gulley among others.  These include  devotional as well as fictional writings.

"True godliness does not turn men out of the world, but enables them to live better in it."
  William Penn

They do not have priests or ministers but a clerk of the meeting.

They do not have any formal sacraments because for one thing they believe all of life is sacramental.

They disapprove of instrumental music but they may sing a hymn or two.

"It is an overwhelming experience to fall into the hands of the Living God.. . ..  Then when all Thy waves and billows are gone over me the soul is swept into a Living Center of ineffable sweetness, where calm and unspeakable peace and ravishing joy steal over one."  Thomas Kelly.

Dad's throat is better today but we were very tired after being out yesterday.

Everything takes time!

I have had a walk and dad his ridden hin indoor bike in silence.


Sandra said...

Ah ha! I knew if I kept checking back I would catch when your new blog goes up. Since I usually check first thing in the morning I was always getting the previous days blogs.

A lot can be said for the benefits of silence. Randy has been working so hard he did not stop to eat for the past three days other then a pop or chocolate bar that he grabbed when we were out. Needless to say (well I thought it was pretty predicable) he was a little on the grumpy side yesterday when I got home. I figured silence was my best option. I am trying to smile when I do it though!

I am not sure if it is something I read or not, but I am forcing my self to smile, just for the heck of it, and hoping my attitude will catch up. Seeing how as my natural tendency is to worry about money, spending so much right now has left my smile going the other way most of the time.

Enjoy your silence. Maybe play some gong music from the monks.


nancy-Lou said...

Silence is golden, so they say! I do like silence and especially when I am walking...going alone is best for me..well that is with my two dogs, but no other folks!

I am so glad Larry's chest and throat are feeling better but that darned laryngitis means the bug is still there. It can be painful too.

I had some Quaker friends who lived out here for a couple of years and visited people in the community. They invited me to come to their meetings and I quite enjoyed it...although it was very quiet. They did ask me to play two hymns on the old pump organ in the little old church where they held their meetings. it was another denomination, but they used it for their meetings. Lovely people with a true reverence for God, Jesus and nature.
I found it hard to keep my mind still and focus on what I should be thinking about...I guess that comes with time.

Today is the first really nice day of spring...so I spring cleaned our sunroom and the second fridge that we use in the warmer seasons. A lot of work. I had a rest making some phone calls that were over due.

I bought a CAA member ship and it will give me peace of mind while travelling on the highways. Our car is an older car and runs fine, but after having the van motor seize last July while driving on the highway...I am a little nervous of what can happen now. Not nervous driving at all, but worried about the car failing. It cost a lot to have the van towed...$179. a lot more than an annual membership.

I tried to sort out my cell phone contract to no avail...darn, they are not easy to deal with. MTS that is.

I am still fighting with our car insurance too....I am sure it is their fault the engine seized because they didn't repair the van properly after the first claim, when I hit a large pothole. There was damage done to the motor when the oil leaked out, unknown to us and we continued to drive it. I am tenacious when I know I am right.

Sorry to hear that Peanut isn't eating...and do hope that she will rally around and start eating again. I am thinking of you Sandra, it is so hard when our dogs get old....I wish they could live as long as we do. they are so precious aren't they? My dogs are 9 now anad slowing down.

Well of to make supper now...chicken, tonight.

have a lovely evening,
Love, Nancy

Steady-as-rain said...

Nixon was a Quaker too, I think. So was Morse from the TV show. In some ways the "Endeavour" prequel is better than the Morse show.

Some good photographs of Oxford, too.



beth bennett said...

Yes we do appreciate seeing Oxford.

Dad seems better to-night