Saturday, March 18, 2017


Much later in the afternoon I journeyed over to the park in a lovely glimpse of sunshine.

First thing in the dull gray morning after another night when dad was having trouble breathing I phoned the faithful pair to drive us to the hospital.  Our journey was smooth with Sandra in the driver's seat and Randy in the co-pilot seat by her side.

To our amazement we got taken in right away.
Dad had a blood test and another x-ray and a doctor we had seen before came to talk to us.  It would seem that dad has a virus that has stirred up chest problems from the past.  Asthma is so terrifying as you struggle to breath and try not to cough.  Dad is completely worn out and I am hoping to recover from my cough with no extra complications.  The doctor gave him some cortisone which along with the antibiotic should help dad recover.

I was pleased to see dad eat a bit when we went out to Brown's to lunch.

I had been expecting this news as it seems to be the only  reason for his breathlessness.
It gets worse at night when you desperately want to rest.

Sandra and Randy now have colds and I hope they do not end up with a miserable cough and the fatigue it brings with it.  I was so thankful they were with us.  We are old and slow.

I find that I am still on a journey of self-discovery.
Who am I?
What is my reason for being?
What are my weaknesses and strengths?
What are my fears?

Prayer seems to be what helps me to live in the moment prayerfully.

Dad sat out on the front porch after cleaning up the kitchen.  It always seems worse when you come hone to a mess.  I tidied up too and then had a short walk to the park.

Nice to get a phone call from Rick.  All I can say is we are coping and hoping for improvement daily.

I am grateful for the presence of the Spirit and the loving care of family!


Sandra said...

Thank you for lunch. The closer we get to having a kitchen back the less inspired I am to "cook" on a hot plate.

Randy got a little nap in and the sunshine got me off my bum and dusting. I have called to get our air ducts cleaned as all the dusty work is now done.

I slept better lat night, not as much coughing.

Fingers crossed the rain stays away. Not that it matters to me much, I will walk in pretty much any weather.


nancy-Lou said...

Here I am....checking on the desk top computer, early, because I was worried about you two!

So glad to hear that Sandra and Randy drove you to emergency and you were seen right away.
At our age those chest infections can be pretty serious. i didn't know that Larry had asthma....that sure makes things harder doesn't it? The cortisone should help with that and he will start to feel stronger soon. You took, Beth, I hope that you feel better soon.

Thank goodness your daughter and son in law live close by and can help out when needed. Randy and guys are the wonderful to your parents. I know your Mom and Dad would be very grateful to have you there for them.

I am so grateful for that too...both our sons live close by and we have good friends who visit regularly ( Ken and Bonnie ) and they always say "if you need sure and call us." I know they really mean it too.

Ken was an employee of Carl's for quite a few years until he retired and the only one who stops in to see us, along with Bonnie.
He takes our garbage and re-cycling and will shovel show and brush off the car...anything he sees he does.
So we are blessed. They are in their early sixties. Both hard workers. He drives a truck and machinery for a back hoe company and she is a valet at the casino...stands on her feet mostly outdoors in all kinds of weather. Really good folks.

don't you find that once you retire and are not useful to some of your friends, they drop off? The really loyal and caring ones stick around for the long haul.

Carl isn't feeling too well either and is short of breath. He has chronic pleurisy which is aggravated by his many medications. I wish he would cut down on them...but it is hard. The doctor is aware of it and we see him soon again.

Today is a hint of actually has climbed to 10C and the ice and snow are melting quickly...but tomorrow will be another hard freeze and overnight low of -20.

We have lots of rabbits and they are so darned cute to watch. That means the coyotes and fox cycle is happens every 8 years or so until the reverse occurs. The same thing happened with red squirrels this year...everywhere we look they are chasing each other...squirrels are coming out of every nook and cranny.

Rest up and drink lots of fluids and feel better as "quickly as a bunny can hop"!

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes Nancy we are very blessed to have Sandra and Randy. I hope Sandra you sleepbetter to=night. It will be back to the spare bed again for me.

Dad gets these asthma attacks every five or ten years. It is bad this year with the virus adding to the problems.

We have squirrels and cats to keep us amused.Sorry that Carl
is having trouble breathing. No one wants to take meds. or go to the doctor.

Hope he improves soon.

Love beth