Friday, March 3, 2017


Dad and I set off early in the morning on a cold and rainy day.  When we got on to the freeway the cars and trucks ahead of us disappeared into  a fog like mist.  We made good time and quickly took out seats up front for spectacular production of Shakes pear's play  Midsummer's Dream.

The costumes were absolutely beautiful. Then  an usher came and told us we were not allowed to take pictures. You can get in serious trouble and dad was extremely annoyed. We were trying not to use the flash but it did go off and we were caught.

Morgan sang and danced her heart out and she looked lovely and fulling absorbed in the action.  She was one of about twenty fairies.  She wore a shorter colorful dress decorated in sparkles and her hair was shoulder length with a band around her forehead, It is an out of this world production!

We were drawn into the dream that had comedy with lots of action and music!

It was delightful and we were very proud of her.  A fairy princess for sure.

We went for lunch with the plan to wait for Theresa and Morgan to come home from the school.
The wind was blowing fiercely driving the rain to pour down all around us, actually around dad as he went and brought the car to the door.  The driving was  hazardous and we were worried about an accident up ahead when an ambulance came speeding by us.

I wish that all of Morgan's dreams will come true.  Love you Morgan!


nancy-Lou said...

Wow, those dresses at the play look like they were really fancy dresses, not homemade dresses for a play. Maybe they rented them. I am so glad you had a good trip out there and back home again. it would be a long day for you both with so much travelling. I hope you didn't have to travel back home in the dark and with the driving rain.

One of Carl's cousins owns the local backhoe company and he came over today to talk about putting in a new holding tank and field. Ours is 41 years old now and is beginning to show signs of not working as well. We had a nice visit as well. That is the nice thing about living out either are related to a lot of folks or you know pretty much everyone!

We had to make a decision to stay living in our house and fix it up or sell and move to the city.
Carl is adamant about staying here, but all his health problems makes for a lot fo travelling to doctors etc and for surgeries.
So we decided we are staying here, but he knows we will have to really cut down on the travelling.
I figured out the mileage for our income taxes and I drove...14,000 kms for doctor appts, tests and hospitalizations. 85% were for Carl. That is over 2 times driving out to Vancouver and back. it is 2,500 kms one way. no wonder I am tired of travelling. So I hope it works for us. We will try it for this year and if not...we will have to sell and move to Winnipeg. Not that we want to...but it is just too much. Just this week was 3 times to Winnipeg for the cataract surgery and doctor another time to see the accountant. 1,000 kms.
I would really miss all the people here if we moved and the closeness of the community. Also would miss my students.
Decisions are so hard aren't they?

Well the mens curling Briar championships start of the best highlights of the year for us! It will be for 9 days. Of course we are pulling for Manitoba and they have a cracker jack team in team McKewan.

I am glad to have caught up with your blog Beth and have enjoyed reading all the posts and seeing the pictures as well. Not sure what the black picture is below this post...thinking it may be of your dark trip home from Chilliwack!

Have a lovely evening, you two1

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

We used up the last of our wood last night, so no more fires. So that means no more winter! Can only hope.

Randy is off for a MRI this morning then we will maybe go get the paint for the kitchen today. It is our goal at least.

Then off to sunny Tsawwassen for dinner at Carol & Pentalies.


beth bennett said...

We have all enjoyed your fires.

Maybe more snow tonight.

We drove home at 1:30 because the wind and rain was horrible.

Sandra enjoy your visit with Carol and Pantli.

I am thankful for a day at home with only a visit to the Seniors home planned.

Love mom

beth bennett said...

Dad has written a new blog!

Sandra see you at Carol and Panteli's

There is a party today and on Sunday.

love mom