Wednesday, March 1, 2017


Yesterday was a very good day, no snow and a gracious visit with Jane and her cousin Elizabeth.  Elizabeth drove as Jane has not been feeling up to it.  Jane is coping reasonably well, thank goodness for her sense of humor, but Geof is having a little holiday in respite for a few days.  She explains to him on the phone that they both need a holiday.  They are in a good place where there are daily things for them to attend, and they both love music and walking near the water.

It seems like just yesterday that Jane and I would go on long walks with long discussions about life, family, church or books.  Geof would have the coffee made by the time we got back and dad would join us often on the big sundeck where they also overlooked the water.

On very rainy days we would walk around the mall, window shopping and having fun looking at greeting cards.  It seems there were always cards to be sent for birthdays or get well etc.  We would have a great laugh at the funny ones.

We both share our birthday at the end of July and dad and Geof are in Feb.  We would go out to lunch to celebrate.

We both have had  serious operations.  Jane on her spine and I on my lung.  We both believe in the power of prayer and pray for each other nearly every day.

Thanks Nancy asking about my health.  What about yours?  I am coping doing the daily chores and shopping for groceries etc.  I tire easily but better than before.  I take time to nap and read and appreciate the help dad gives me.  He makes the coffee when friends drop by.  I need to get my hearing checked which trying to hear can be tiring.  The day just go by quickly and even though I plan I do not seem to accomplish what I plan to do.

My friend Cathy has now moved to Langley so she will no be dropping by so often.

Spiritually I take time in the morning to read and pray and journal.  I also started Jane journalling.
I am starting to read the parables in Mathew  which contain deeper spiritual methods that we realize, so they leave you thinking.  A door to opening the deeper meaning of life, to discovering the truth about ourselves and our friends and neighbors and families.

"The parables are poetic explanations of spiritual concepts impossible to comprehend fully."
-James Martin  S.J.


Sandra said...

You and Jane have seen so many changes in your time as freinds. I am finding that at work, since I have been here for just about 13 years. Kids of employees have grown up and now are having babies. I guess it just feels funny because I have not changed in those years, and yet children are turning into adults all around me.

Weather has been much milder, not so painful to get out there and walk in the morning.


beth bennett said...

I feel like I am still young and can do lots but I look at the mirror and see this older lady
and at thee end of the day lots does not get done but I know to-morrow it will be waiting for me.

I am amazed at how our family has grown!

Yes it is good to have good friends.

love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Yesterday...well it is a bit of a shock for me to look in that mirror Beth, because I too, feel as though i can accomplish so much in one day and then all of a sudden I realize that there is an old lady living in this body...not one that is 30. I have good days and bad days, which makes it hard to plan for things, such as teaching art classes. Teaching music is easier because I just have sit and listen or play sometimes and write! I will be 73 this June.

I so loved to hear the story of you and Jane and how much you have accomplished together over the years. That is what I miss having a close friend to share things with...such a shopping together or just having some good laughs together.I did have a friend like that and circumstances forced us apart...but I am hoping to re-new that friendship. I do have friends, but not like Gina, who made me laugh often...yes, even in church and at Tai Chi..pretty much anything we did together. Painting too, we would end up dancing to the music and painting.
How special those long walks and talks were...too bad Jane doesn't live nearby and you could see more of each other. But good that you can talk by phone and have lunch sometimes.

I too, see the kids who were my music students grow up and often teach their kids too. oh boy, I must be getting old!

Well off to have lunch with Carl. He just had a long nap in his chair.

Have a great day,
Love Nancy