Tuesday, February 28, 2017


The beauty of a snow flake captured on film.
They are all different.'

Just as each one of us is unique and we even can communicate differently.  Dad and I have troubles but it is our hearing.

I have been missing the comments on my blog and a little worried about my friends.  Nice to hear from Nancy by e-mail and Jane phoned and dropped by for coffee with her cousin Elizabeth.  Their visit really touched my heart as we looked at each other and listened to their news.  Elizabeth is going to Aussie later next month.  

Dad went out for a bike ride but it was too cold and was so very happy to be back in our warm home.  

I phoned Carol to ask them for supper but did not communicate with her.

"Simple pleasures are the last healthy refuge in a complex world."  Oscar Wild

"If I had influence with the good fairy who is suppose to watch over every child being baptized.  I would ask her gift to each child be a sense of wonder so indestructible that it would last throughout life!"  _ Rachael Carson.

"How full of creative genius is the air in which these are generated.  I should hardly admire more if real stars fell."  -Henry David Thoreau

Quotes from the book "Snowflakes" Jane gave to me years ago.

Good books and good friends are of great value!


Steady-as-rain said...

Yes, not the time of year for Dad to be out riding his bike! I watch that show about "Life and Death at VGH Emergency" that is Knowledge Network and they had a fellow a while back who was riding his bike in the winter and took a terrible tumble on the ice and snow and broke his arm. So, really, not a good idea.

I have to go and stand out in the cold for 90 minutes to get into the health clinic at some point in order to renew my prescripiton for the blood pressure medicine. Seems so crazy!

Hope you are doing well.

I am glad March is finally here. Seems like a long winter already!



nancy-Lou said...

Communications is an apt name for your blog, for me today, Beth. I relied on my memory to mark Carl's doctors appointment on our calendar. It is a good thing I checked the slip and saw it was for tomorrow or we would have driven in to Winnipeg for nothing.

How wonderful that you and Jane have such an endearing friendship all these years. Did you meet her at church? There is nothing better than a good visit and a cuppa tea.

We are having a cold spell the last few days and it feels cold in the house this morning....brrrrr. We built our house 41 years ago and it is the standard for that era...made of 2x4's thus the insulation isn't up to the standards of today. Usually it is fine, except for very cold weather. We have a quartz heater that works well which we keep near our chairs so it is cozy.

We are leaving soon, for Selkirk, to see the lady who does our income taxes. I have it all organized, so it shouldn't take very long. Her office is at the mental health drop in centre, where she is the director. I always enjoy the folks who drop in there and take them a dozen doughnuts. There is a large mental hospital in Selkirk and many of the patients have permission to go out for the day. If I lived there I would volunteer to teach art there.

I was so glad to see my last post stayed...so crossing my fingers for this one.

Have a wonderful day...with time for a walk and a bike ride for Larry,

Love Nancy

Sandra said...

Did I mention, probably not. I signed up for a meet up group and am actually going to my first get together, a brunch in White Rock on the 12th. Have to start somewhere.

I have everything rescheduled for our kitchen. Fingers crossed this time it all works out.


beth bennett said...

Wow your comments are staying o

That makes my day.

Love mom