Friday, February 10, 2017


Surprised to see old pictures of Jasmine and Matthew.  My computer is still refusing to download.

Jesus was believed to have four brothers and some sisters.  The Catholic church does not think they were Mary's.

We had a surprise visit from Cathy who dropped by after getting a few things from the store for us.
They are going to be renting a barn that has been beautifully renovated now that their house has sold
She likes to do things for us in appreciation for our help to her over the years,.

The biggest surprise was the invite by Kim to come for supper and meet her boyfriend.  They met in Cuba and he is working at being a family doctor.  He is a very interesting and likeable young man and very charming, who I think is smitten by Kim.  He lives in the States.

Haiti likes him too!  She is a smart dog. 

We looked at computers today and hopefully will find a good buy.

The water has been pouring from our roof too but our road is still ice and snow.


Sandra said...

Never mind the old pictures, you getting to meet a new man in Kimberly's life, now that is a surprise! When will the rest of us get a chance to meet him I wonder?

Dusting and cleaning this morning before heading out to the stores. Both Randy and I are feeling a bit stressed with the generally disarray and so I am trying to make it as pleasant as possible.

Next week we have the ceiling people in for 4 days, the mudding and sanding of that will make it all dusty again. And then the week after the hardwood goes in.

Somewhere in there we have to get the walls all painted, and we know how long it takes me to pick colours!


beth bennett said...

It seems like a nightmare to me.

Hang in there. It will be beautiful1

Kim's boyfriend whose name in Hamlet flies back
to the States on Sunday I believe. Next time he comes
you can ask them over.

You are welcome to hang out with us.

love mom

Anonymous said...

Love the old photos of my kids. They don't make it on the blog often👶🏻May I suggest you get an Apple Mac or AIr . They are less likely to get a virus. They cost more and will be a leaning curve but in the long run will be more reliable. Matthew is undergoing tests , he vomits almost everyday and has blood noses . He had blood test , urine and stool samples and an ultra sound on his stomach. The Dr was concerned it could be coeliac. We will find out more when dr returns from his holidays after 23 feb.
PS Melina got her birthday card. Thank you

beth bennett said...

Hi Ken I wish I knew how to get pictures from the e-mail
So sorry to hear about Matthew. Can you put him on the gluten
free diet? So sad to hear about children being sick.
We will be praying.
The mail seems to be taking extra long these days.
I am glad it did arrive.
Love mom