Saturday, February 25, 2017


Mountains and clouds blodly display the beauty of nature on our drive home.
I heard people being funny saying "Well is the pope a Catholic or not?"

"I wondered this myself as I read the Vancouver Sun's report on his words.  It is better to be an atheist than a bad Catholic.  Hypocrisy is a scandal when of saying one thing and doing another.  Many who act religiously in their ritual observance but do not apply the religious values to the (daily) lives.  Each of us must choose to follow the good and fight evil as he conceives them whether one is an atheist or a Christian."

The old Testament was a covenant relationship of love not power but it has been misread and abused.

Dad and I went shopping to buy Carol a present.  This young girl in a pretty red dress asked me if she could help me and we started talking about family and she Boldly started talking about her Mormon faith.  I was taken by surprise as I am quiet when it comes to sharing my faith even in my family.

I think she would have disagreed with the Pope.

For a lot of people church is a mysterious place that makes them feel uncomfortable but faith can be a comfort when life gets tough and we feel like we have lost our way.

"There was a hunger within me to explore the meaning of faith and what it was like to walk with God's love, support and guidance."  Cynthia Briggs.

It is easier to be bold on my blog!  Not that I have bold answers to all the questions but I keep searching!

There were even green pastures on our drive that have survived the snow!


Sandra said...

When we were buying our appliances the girl helping us told us she was a muslim. I though it was kind of strange. It sort of fit in with the conversation, we were talking about Christmas. I guess young people are just more bold about this stuff.

Floor goes in today in the kitchen...yay, progress!

See you all later today.


Anonymous said...

We are getting a late season heat wave. In the mid 30's all week. Jasmine says she can't go to school it's too hot. Matthews tests reveal he does not have coeliac.

beth bennett said...

Will Matthew be having more tests.

Is it very hot in the school?

Too hot for us.

Take care.

love mom