Friday, February 3, 2017


      Yes it is snowing again.  It snows all day.  The tiny flakes become larger and more numerous. 
An early walk to the park.

Dad is trying to put a new light over the stove, actually he has done it but getting the covering back on is proving difficult.  It was difficult to take apart the hood and even harder to put it back.  I offer to help but my offer was not accepted.

Nicodemus is the night time visitor in John chapter 3.

The third chapter of John is famous for the term "Born Again".  In some churches you will be asked if you are born again or if you have accepted Jesus as your savior.  This does not happen in our church and I am not uncomfortable about being asked.

Jesus is talking to some one who is already very religious and yet still has questions.  His world is a rigid and controlled by the law that makes you acceptable to God.  Jesus tells him he must give up his legalism if he wants to have a spiritual rebirth,  This seems impossible as a natural birth would be impossible., but we know nothing is impossible with God.

Trying to put spiritual truth into words can be tough.  A mystical mystery waiting to be experienced.

"This church welcomes you, no matter how many times you have been born". A sign outside a church which adds a little humour to the matter.

Most of those I know have not experienced an earth shaking experience but have been slowly being transformed by the grace of God and the wind of the spirit. 

There have also been those times when we have experienced an emotional awe and wonder! 

Nicodemus comes at night not wanting to be seen by other Pharisees.

He is portrayed as enjoying the darkness of his own religious night as seen by his response of the limitations of his own mind is predictable.

Open yourself to a totally new perspective and a new way of relating to the holy!


beth bennett said...

Dad has put the new light in and the hood back oh,

Good job! Dad!

Love mom

Sandra said...

Good to know. I did some cleaning and trying to shuffle stuff around getting ready for the next crew that comes on Monday. I am trying not to be sad about the snow, but it is just so depressing that we just finally were able to walk again, I was even going to do the hill walk this week, but now we got 8 inches or so over night.

Did you get a lot?


nancy-Lou said...

WOW, more snow for Vancouver and the Island. It looks like there was quite a bit too. Be careful when walking always gets slippery with the mild temperatures there.

Night looks like you had raccoons visiting you, judging by the footprints in the snow. We have quite a few nighttime visitors as well. Mainly the flying squirrels and the deer. The flying squirrels are so cute to watch. They are quite a bit smaller than the MB red squirrel and they have large eyes and their front legs unfold into wings when they fly.
Our cat, Gilbert likes to sit on the back of the love seat and watch their antics.

Gosh that Larry is a handy fellow who is able to fix so many things. You are fortunate, Beth to have Mr. Fixit for a husband.

I hope Randy is OK after that nasty hit on the head from the drill. There sure was a lot of blood. The head bleeds so much....take care Randy and Sandra, with all the work you are doing on your kitchen. I am looking forward to seeing some photos when it is finished. EXciting times for you.

Well I had better get busy, my first student arrives at noon today.

Have a wonderful day,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes I had plans for a longer walk but it is cold and harder walking.

I will enjoy the beauty from inside.

We had about eight inches too. I think.

Yes dad is very handy although sometimes it is harder to put things back than when you are putting it back together.

love mom