Tuesday, February 21, 2017


A very old stump.

I am feeling like a very old grannie.  Being called grandma was okay but grannie seems to make me feel old but I guess that is a fact of life.  My computer has just lost everything I wrote.  It was so good!

Dad and I had lunch with Vera today.  She is amazing with all her knowledge about the United Church and they are often very funny stories.

I have Jet Lag Bible study on Wed. and on Thursday we pick up Morgan from school in Chilliwack and bring her home here,
Carol has been looking after Ben and Morgan until Tues when she came back to work.  Hope Mikie and Thersa are having a fabulous time.

How do we identify God?

His name is used in vain, He gets blamed for all the suffering and tragedy in This life, and yet those those who attend recovery meetings after hitting bottom call Him a higher Power who shares their grief and heals their scars.

I believe there is an energy that surrounds us all that we may not feel but He is there in the ordinary and the mysterious.  A good friend is one who listens and God is a listener.

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