Saturday, February 4, 2017


I really want to enjoy a beautiful walk but the snow was too deep and it felt very cold.  I could have dressed warmer but I stayed in and enjoyed an omelet that dad made and enjoyed watching the little birds coming to eat.

I think if you were reading the gospel of John for the first time you would realize by chapter 4 Jesus was full of surprises.  His willingness to break the barriers between the old traditions and the new reality again brings freedom and security.

Jesus breaks a barrier between Jew and Gentile by his willingness to heal the son of the Gentile.  This high official recognized in Jesus an aura of authority as well as his healing energy.  Jesus told him his son was healed and as the man returned home he was told the boy had been healed at the same time as Jesus had spoken the healing words.

Prejudices can prevent us seeing the humanity of others, even strangers.

The barrier between heaven and earth was being broken as the presence of God was revealed as now dwelling  within us.

We will wait and see what the roads are like before deciding to attend church.


nancy-Lou said...

Oh boy, I am glad you didn't try and go for a walk in all that snow, Beth. It always is so slippery out there due to the temperatures being near the freezing mark.

I didn't get the dogs out for their walk today. Just ran out of time.
I spent a good couple of hours working on Pixie's coat and brushing our two dogs too.
Pixie is a Maltese and she had terrible mats that were starting to make her skin bleed. Sadly her owner never does anything for her. I must have worked 5 hours on her coat over the last week or so and have most of the mats cut our now and I brush and brush her. She is so good and lets me do whatever I need to. I used the little shaver on her tummy today...had to take it right down to the skin it was so bad. She also has a bad ear infection right now and I am treating that too.
I am so mad at her owner .....we have offered to adopt her a number of times...but NO. How could anyone be that uncaring.

We watched curling today and the games were great. Now Carl is watching the superbowl....I could care less about football. I like most other sports.

That was a nice story about Jesus being a Jew and helping Gentiles. was just reading about people who got on a subway car in New York city and found every window had hate symbols and words about Jews written on the windows...they all got their tissues and hand cleaners out and cleaned every window off.

I have been reading about all the snow you have received as well as on Vancouver winter sure doesn't want to leave does it? Chilliwack really got a lot of snow, I saw Theresa's photos.

We will be getting snow over the next couple of days, not a lot though Maybe 10 inches.

Have a great Sunday evening,
Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

We had a stray cat that had a bunch of horrible matter fur. Larry worked hard to brush it out. It was a wild cat who lived in our garage on a chair that was there.
It was happy being outside and like to catch mice etc. The neighborhood liked it too.

Larry is watching football while another saintly neighbor digs a path for me to get in and down my driveway. Also on the sidewalk in front of our house.

The days go by quickly.

love beth