Wednesday, February 15, 2017


This is the view from our window at the Sylvia on a dull and drab day.  Being inside enjoying good food and fancy surrounds was very enjoyable.  Sometimes it is a bit of a struggle for us to make up our minds to do things but it was good we did it before the rain started pouring.  |It poured all night and it stopped for a bit in the morning.  I struggled to do some gardening because it is a very depressing mess with dead leaves and branches all through it.

Dad is now struggling to get the new computer down loaded.  I am writing on his and finding it a bit of a struggle.  It keeps writing the wrong words and also running it all together.

The disciples of Jesus find it a struggle to understand that he is going to leave them.  They ask where he is going and why they cannot follow.  Not one of them could imagine carrying on with out him.  There had been outward struggles with the rejection of the religious authority and the crowds but now they had to find new strength to build a new ministry and a new life.

Jesus explains that his love will not leave them but will continue to flow within when they realize he is the vine and they are the branches.

Love is the presence of  the indwelling Holy Spirit that lives on in each one of us.  Yes love is not always easy and can make us vulnerable to hurt and loneliness and struggles with changes.

We are to love one another as the love of Jesus flows into our inner soul.

Our visit last Sunday with Craig and  Leah and Ophelia, a loving family.


Anonymous said...

A rebuilt computer??? Oh well that will last about 12 months. Hot and sunny today here. Cooled off just in time for bed last night.
Start back in the morning for another 4 early shifts. Must be my month for earlies. Big pressure from the boss to improve our on time performance.

Sandra said...

Sorry I have been MIA for the last few days, got over my busy period, all the bonuses paid and RRSP's sent to the bank.

Finally feel like I can breath.

Nice to see you and dad got out. We are even back to having the ceiling fan on at night as it seems so hot being above freezing.

I leave tomorrow morning for Spruce Grove and wont be back till Monday night so my comments may be spotty, but I will probably still be checking in.


beth bennett said...

I do not understand dad's thinking and now he is trying to set it up for him to use.
I am using his old one.
You can still love some one even when you do not understand.

Sandra have a great trip enjoying the kids big and little.

Love mom