Saturday, February 11, 2017


The snow is quickly  melting and signs of longer daylight bring the promise of spring.

till lots of signs of winter with icy patches on the sidewalk and roads full of hard ridges.  Carol brought Haiti over (she is having friends in) and I enjoyed walking with her.

We hardly ever have people at our door but today there were several.  This means trying to stop Haiti from barking right at the door.  This means getting her into the laundry room quickly and she knows the drill and goes right in with a sad face.

In the gospel of John miracles are changed into signs; the purpose is to show how old traditions need to be done away with.  Old traditions become replaced by new wine.  The darkness is replaced the light of a new birth.  Jesus promises living water to all that will truly quench their thirst.  Those who are hungry will be fed by the food of nourishment and fulfillment.

The last sign is to reveal that the old traditional faith that would condemn a person who was born blind or who was sick had committed sins.  How can this be a loving God and Father?  There needed to be a completely new understanding of God.  A new vision!

These words and actions  cause great fear and irrational response from the religious authorities.

John talks about the Jews being upset which has been used to stir up anti-Semitism while Jesus and his followers and the writer himself where in fact all Jewish.

I am trying to keep my brain active by studying this gospel which has a lot of hidden meanings in the signs and miracles. 


Sandra said...

I hope poor Haiti finally got home and got something to eat.

Got a bit more work done when I got home, the Shaw guy came out and fixed our cable.

Had a nice Skype with Stephen Shawna and the kids. It was nice and sunny out at their house and they were playing on their new deck.

They have drywall up in their basement now, so might be pretty close to being done by the time I get there.


beth bennett said...

Dad and I enjoyed the celebration.

The sunshine and company were great!

You will be doing last minute thinks before you leave.

I feed Haiti her dog biscuits which I have as a treat.

Kim likes her to have very special food.

She enjoyed her visit.

Love mom