Monday, February 13, 2017


                                        Happy Valentines Sweet Heart!

"And think not you can direct the course of live, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Kahlil Gibran

"Every heart sings a song, incomplete until another heart whispers back"  - Plato

Yes on our first date I let you walk home in a freezing cold blizzard but a kind taxi driver picked you up.  That was only the beginning of the many times we have faced storms driving back and forth to Calgary and Edmonton and one time from Mouse Jaw to Saskatoon.

Yes one of the hardest lessons we have had to learn is how different we are in many ways and yet our love continues to survive,  Love is more than romance it has to be forgiving and caring as we see the best in each other.

The story of Mary who anointed the feet of Jesus by pouring perfume on his feet and whipping them with her hair.  She poured out her love in her complete surrender to his manliness and also to his holiness.  She was a true believer.-  John 12:1


Anonymous said...

Happy Valentines Day .

beth bennett said...

Thanks Ken,
Hope the valentines have arrived.
Do you celebrate it.

Good day

Dad is looking for a computer.

Love mom

Sandra said...

I made a nice dinner last night so tonight it was just what ever we could grab.

The last three nights Randy has gotten up at 11 pm, driven to work, only to find out something was wrong so he turns around and drives home. And then he gets up at 5:30 am to go to work. Needless to say we are both pretty tired. Having him keep showing up 2 hours after he left is kind of unsettling in the middle of the night.
