Sunday, February 26, 2017


Our world is again transformed by the shiny white snow that fell so softly and quietly in the night.

I was able to have a short walk before church.

This Sunday is called transformation Sunday when Jesus took Peter James and John with him to the top of the mountain.  The disciples would return alive with wonder after seeing Jesus transformed in front of them.  His face shone like the sun and his clothes became as white as snow.  Jesus also hears a voice like Moses did whose life changed dramatically. Jesus also knew that even as this spiritual energy filled him he would need to be close to God in times of prayer and worship.   

This reminds us that the period of Lent is just about to begin.  A time of deep spiritual reflection that 
has the potential to take us on a transforming journey.  Some times I have so many thoughts running through my head I find myself not even knowing what I am thinking.

"All man's miseries derive from not being able to sit quietly in a room alone."  -Blaise Pascal.

For me my quiet time includes writing in a journal which also helps me focus on one thought at a time.  Time to reflect on how I am feeling emotionally and think about my future goals.  I can also accept my feelings and thoughts as acceptable.  Yes it is called living in the moment.  In each of our lives there have been times of great joy and deep sorrow.

Religion transformed into  times of transfiguring grace! 


Sandra said...

Hmm, it says I did not leave a comment yesterday, but I know I typed one in.

I am wrestling with my negatives thoughts and worry about the kitchen and trying to live in the now. Walking in the cold last night with Peanut and thinking about the families crossing the Manitoba border on foot and just being so thankful I have a warm house to go home to and do not have to fear someone kicking in the door and dragging us off to jail.

Randy and I did worked on the kitchen all afternoon so did not get out to enjoy the bright sunny day, but it did shine on us while we worked.

Shawna says that Seeley has recovered very well from his surgery and he has 2 brand new teeth that pooped out over the weekend.

Sebastien is feeling better, but still has goop coming out of his ear. They will not know if it burst or not till they can get a better look.


beth bennett said...

Yes Sandra my comments are not showing up.

Pentali's did not.

I had stuff draining from my ear when I was 5 and had my tonsils's out.
They do not do that much anymore.

Good the roads are okay even with the light snow.

Good morning for a walk.

Love mon