Thursday, February 2, 2017


Carol came to visit with Haiti to show us her updates on her on line counseling.  Haiti was sure she was here to go for a walk with me.  The park welcomed us with sunshine and green grass.  Haiti is very popular with everyone.

After lunch dad drove me over to visit Joyce.  She was very tired and she looked very small sitting in her big arm chair and did not remember going to the hospital.  She was glad to see me as usual and perked up hearing news of the church.

After we went shopping at Shoppers for the seniors discount on diapers and formula.  The line up at the check out was very long until they called in another cashier.  It is a popular day to go shopping.

Reading the story about Jesus over turning the tables in the synagogue reveals he is not trying to win any popularity contest.  In the temple courts there were men selling cattle, sheep and doves and others sitting at tables exchanging money.  Jesus was furious and making a whip out of cords drove them cattle out, over turning tables and scattering coins.  John 2:13  The house of worship was for prayer not to be a market place.

He would continue to express his anger at the abuse of religious authority. 

I am thankful that I can express my opinions in the confidence I do not have to be popular nor am I always right.  

Be in love with your life.
Every detail of it.

What ever you are meant to do,
do it now.
The conditions are always impossible.
Doris Lessing


Sandra said...

I dont know about at your house, but at ours there is no green grass left, though it was nice while it lasted.

Randy drove about to Abbotsford for me as we had to drop off a cheque for the cabinets, I would not have been able to go till the afternoon and the traffic would be much worse. As it was there was a semi flipped over in the west bound lanes so he took Fraser Hwy home.


beth bennett said...

I know you and Randy are good drivers but bad road conditions are not good.
Keep safe.
Dad and I on the other hand are trying to keep sane!
Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

How cute to hear that Haiti was sure she was going for a walk with you. And how nice you took her. Dogs are always a great way to meet receive more smiles and comments and sometimes they want to stop and pet the dog too. I am so glad that Carol brought her over to see you.

No green grass in Vancouver...oh my! That must be a first. Has it been it been unusually cold there? I know you have received more snow that usual and it stayed a long an unwelcome visitor!

We are experiencing a cold spell, but that is fine with me...I much prefer -20 to -1. But I don't like it cold with a wind....that is bitter.

It is looking like Monday and Tuesday will be snowy days so I will ask our son, Bob, if he will drive us in for Carl's bladder surgery on Wednesday.
There is a hotel adjoining the hospital, where we could stay overnight, but it is expensive and we can't take the dogs it will be an early morning...leave at 6:15 am. I prefer not to drive after dark now and it will still be dark in the morning for quite a while.

I am thinking of doing some historical paintings of Winnipeg, using old photos and postcards. I have done quite a few of the area around here. I may teach my teen students how to do them as well. We will simplify the composition and use a restricted palette of colours.Atmospheric paintings. I teach piano and then art tomorrow and the ideas are percolating in my mind like crazy.

Love, Nancy