Wednesday, March 22, 2017


We are both feeling a little melancholy but we are adjusting to changes.  Reading some books on prayer.
Early in the morning I was in my own little world of prayer when the terrorist attack happened in London.  The good thing was that the police reacted quickly and got people out of danger.  It appears it was two men with a car and a knife that wounded many.  I can only watch the news so long and find it depressing.

Dad's cough is still nasty especially at night.  He stayed up to watch the curling but still could not lie down without coughing.  He is learning how to cope with this and finding keeping quiet during the day and resting helps.  The doctor in the clinic was very kind and caring so he can return is he decides he needs more help.

He actually ate my home made soup yesterday and some muffins I made.  We both had the lasagna
for supper.  He is also eating my bread so this is a big change.

I did not go to my Bible Study at the church but did my lesson at home.  It was about discernment and would have been interesting as well as fun.

I went for a walk after the rain stopped. I met an old friend who had not seen me in ages and she was sop pleased to see I was still out doing my walks.  She is an amazing person who jogs and rides her bike etc.  She does circles around me!  Her face lights up when she sees me.

Kim dropped by and did some vacuuming for me.  Just like old times!
She is off to Portland for some lectures on Ceramics/
Theresa and family are away in Seattle because it is Spring Break.

Almost home when a kind man in a truck offered me a ride.  It was very kind of him.  I tell dad he does not need to worry about me as there are so many helpful people around.

Reading about suffering I find that I am drawn deeper into the very heart of God's love.
Different thoughts and ideas bring comfort and reassurance to others.

I think that every once in a while it is your year to have this miserable cold and cough.

Sickness is not a punishment for sin nor God's will.

It was good to celebrate a win by the Canucks.  An exciting game!

It is a good kind of melancholy that is peaceful and restful.


nancy-Lou said...

I think feeling melancholy is natural when one is sick. I know I am not very thankful for many things when i am sick...just want to feel better! Which is what I am hoping for you both....feeling better today. The coughs are subsiding. I know it will take time...probably a week or two to completely recover some such a bad bug...but improvement each day is what I am hoping for.

I wonder how Sandra is feeling too? She is sick too. I hope better Sandra. It must be hard to have to get up and go to work when you aren't well.

It was a frosty start to the day....-20 and I didn't warm up the car. BRRRRR. But a south wind blew in and the temperature moderated to 0C. So we are thinking this better winter weather may be the last of it until next November. Hoping so.

We drove into Selkirk today and there were fields upon fields of frozen lakes that were so smooth one could skate or even curl on them. A week or so ago we had all that rain and the ground is still frozen so the water ended up becoming ice when it was a flash freeze overnight Thursday. They said there were 60 patients with broken bones at emergency on Friday and 140 on Saturday. it really taxed the emergency system and the ortho doctors. Over half of the patients needed surgery.
Our driveway is still a skating rink and Bob, our son, backed the car up so the door was right by the steps so his Dad didn't have to walk on the ice. This old lady can get around pretty well on the ice with the ice pics on my boots.

We had a lot of errands to do in Selkirk, bob and I and we went to Subway to eat lunch. Do you have Subway out in Vancouver? Bob is a vegetarian and really likes Subway. So do I. His truck needs new battery cables so he bought them at Canadian Tire and now has to work on it tomorrow. It is a good thing he knows how to do these things for himself.

We are off to the mechanics in the morning to see why there is a smell like something scorched in the car. Perhaps a fluid is dripping on the manifold. Hope it doesn't cost an arm and a leg! He is a local fellow who operates out of his home garage...which is a big one. He is a red seal mechanic...but cheaper than the garages and good from what we hear.

So I am having Max and Bella groomed on Friday. The groomer is coming to our house...which is something new. I may have Pixie the little Maltese from across the street groomed as well if the owner will pay for it. She is such a sweet little dog.

Wasn't that nice of Kim to come and give you a hand with the vacuuming. that can be hard to do if you are not well. she sure is a great young lady! Have you though about having home care come in to give you a hand? I think we would qualify for it too..with my Lupus flare up and Carl being handicapped....but it is hard to come to the decision...I don't want to admit that I need help....very stubborn. But I think we will apply soon...for housekeeping. I can handle all the meals..I really like to cook!

We are going to have something new tomorrow, chicken enchiladas. I saw a recipe on line that looked really good. Will add in some veggies to it.

thanks Rick for letting me know what kind of commission you work on. Wishing you a good trip and good meetings.

I am sending you healing thoughts and prayers and hope you both get a good nights sleep tonight. don't forget about the inhalation is so helpful.

Love to you both,

Steady-as-rain said...

Good for the Canucks!



Sandra said...

You both ate the lasagna I brought? Was it gluten free?

It was chilly walking yesterday, had a bit of a biting wind.

I think my cold has turned the corner, good thing as I will be very busy putting stuff back in the kitchen this weekend.

Oh! And I get a pregnant cat today as well. They think she has another 2-3 weeks before her kittens are born, so that will be nice as she will have time to get use to us. I have to put her in Randys room for a few days till we get the kitchen out of the bedroom.

The cupboards will be done today, need to go order the seating cushion.

Maybe if you and dad are up to it you could drop by?


beth bennett said...

Your kitchen looks marvelous Sandra.

I feel like my house is so dumpy right now.

I do not know if dad will feel like dropping by today.

He is improving slightly but we have not driven past the

That is good to have an animal you can give a home to
and the babies a new start in life.

I thought every thing was gluten free except the raisin cookies.

Talk to you later.

Glad you are feeling a bit better.

Panteli stopped by and picked us up some glutin free bread as dad is eating mine now.

Love mom