Friday, March 31, 2017

BECOMING ! March 31

Kim is supported by her friend after receiving her award for her story and her art about Transformation.
Receiving her award.  Our hearts burts with pride and joy/`
                                           Transformation  A story in art!

This pottery shows the stages her life has gone through.
From brokenness to wholeness and beauty.
Panteli was too far away but he had worked hard in this awards night and was pleased at how well it had turned out.

The stories were about over-coming difficulties with the helpof encouragemnet and education and families.

I had gotten the day wrong again thinking it was Friday.
I am still learning.
Just very happy to be invited!

It was very meaningful to hear the Native Elder of the Colledge speak.
He talked about the future generations that give us hope!

There is a  new and joyful unfolding in the process of becoming.
Mary Casey


Anonymous said...

Hi Beth,
So glad that you and Grandpa could attend last night and help Kimberly celebrate. It was a lot of work, but everything turned out well. Kim worked hard and her award was well earned, one of many great submissions. xo Panteli

beth bennett said...

Yes we were so pleased to be there and hear her story.

Good job for all the organizers.

Love beth

Client Strengths said...

Congratulations to Kimberly! I wish I could have been there. You and Dad were so lucky you could attend.
Love you. Miss you!

beth bennett said...

Yes Carol I was thinking about yoy and how nice it would have been for you to be therw.\\

Miss you too!

love mom

nancy-Lou said...

How wonderful for Kim to earn the award and how awesome that you and Larry were able to attend. The pictures are nice to see Beth...her pottery is very creative with the shapes and holes and colours. congrats KIM!

Aren't those the most beautiful daffolils, Beth? The ones in the photo from you last post? Such soft colours. We only have them in the stores the check outs and they are just the regular yellow ones....and fairly expensive, not like at the coast. I guess they have to ship them in and it costs more.

Today was stressful, dealing with our insurance company still...but I will not give up. NO!
also our car was in the shop getting new brakes and now the water pump bearing are squeeling..well actually they have been doing that for some time wasn't a pulley or more expense. it just never ends. Oh is looking like I may be teaching some watercolour classes at our local community centre. And you know how much I love to teach art and music! Plus the income will sure come in handy for us with all the troubles with the car.

I will take Max and Bella for a good walk and it will clear my head.

Many of the birds are returning..I heard the sea gulls calling out as the soared above..i am sure they are saying, "hey where is the open water"? Hopefully it will be coming soon because there are geese along the sides of the highway coming into the beach. They have nested there for years and always come back in pairs. Nature is truly amazing isn't it?

I will have to cancel the grooming appointment for Max and Bella for Monday. We cannot drive our car very far or risk the water pump failing and then the engine would seize...sure don't want that to happen it will be fixed probably next Wednesday. In the meantime we are grounded.

I hope you are having a good day and were able to get out for a walk. it always feels so good doesn't it?


Sandra said...

Good to see you and dad looking better. I was hoping to get out into the garden today, but looks like I missed my chance yesterday when the sun was shining.
