Monday, March 6, 2017


The snow melts away during the day.  There is suppose to be more snow to-night.  The icy roads are the worse problems.  I am concerned about the little shoots sprouting underneath the snow.  Time will tell.

Regarding invitations I request you phone or email because face book does not work for us.  Dad has no idea where the invitations are hiding.  We were sorry we missed Leah and Craig because we left early after being there in the way too early.

Today was not inviting but we drove down to the beach just to go for a drive.
It was very cloudy and extremely cold with the wind blowing off the ocean.  There are always a few brave souls out walking but dad's feet were too painful so I just took a few pictures and we both were chilled to the bone.
We were happy to arrive home into our warm house.

One of my favorite parable's is about the wedding banquet where the quest are too busy to come.
One had just bought a field another some oxen and other excuses.

So the invitation was made to everyone good and bad to come.  The place was filled.
The poor and the crippled, the blind and lame were al invited and they came.

"The true happiness of life is the conviction we are loved, loved for ourselves, say rather, loved in spite of our selves.  -Victor ahugo


Sandra said...

Well, you certainly caught the beauty of the cold grey ocean and clouds.

It is always so nice to have somewhere warm and safe to go home to.

Not as much snow overnight as they were predicting, nice to see for a change.


Steady-as-rain said...

Winter is too long there and here! And my furnace broke down last night. But I think the furnace repair guy can fix it today. Maybe.


beth bennett said...

Yes Rick you sure need a furnace
Hope it gets fixed today.
Snow and mixed rain this morning.
Had a walk.
love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Your photos of the bleak cold day at the sea made one shiver...brrrrr. But still very nice photos, Beth. It is good to get out for a ride. I took Max and Bella around the block yesterday and they sure were glad to get home...the only time they go in the car is when they go to the groomers. It is so traumatic for them that I am thinking of buying good clippers and doing to job myself. I can bath them and clip them and save $140.

Did you know that you can claim a new furnace as an income tax deduction? mentioning it because Rick may need to buy one if he cannot get the other one fixed. I was reading the things that are tax deductible on the Revenue Canada website. The accountant said I was very well prepared. Considering I have only been looking after our affairs for the last 5 years...I was quite pleased!

It must have rained 2 inches last night. Driving rain and thunder...very odd for us in March. torrents of rain. Then it flash froze in the space of an hour...from plus 6 to minus 6....10 degrees Celsius...just like that. out driveway is a curling rink now and very dangerous, as I hear all the side roads are here in VB. The highway is clear, so that is a good thing!

It is a mini blizzard now with snow forming small funnels coming down the drive way. I put crampons on my boots and went out and fed the birds...couldn't stand up otherwise and had to crawl back to the house when i first went out...ridiculous.

So now they have released the fellow they charged with the double homicide in the community near to ours and many people are living in fear over there. There were witness's to the shooting. Sure glad we live in a good community. It is pretty safe here..athough no one these days is exempt from the dangers of drugs and drug addicts.

No walk for the dogs and I today...darn! Maybe tomorrow if they put grit on the roads. or we can go up to the highway and walk there.

I wish you a good day,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Thanks Nancy.
Hoping for better weather for us all.
Love beth