Sunday, March 12, 2017


Carol and Penteli came over to say good-bye.  Haiti was left behind and cannot believe it..
Dad was back in bed coughing a lot and getting worn out.  It is time for that cough to leave and time for healing I hope.

I left dad behind when I went to church in the morning..  It was a special Sunday for Lee Plett as she has put in thirty-five years as our secretary.  She has been a great asset to our church.  She does a lot of extra work cheerfully and always has a good sense of humor.  Monday morning will find her at her desk typing and answering phones etc.

I am her support person so I said a few words of appreciation and thanks.  I read a poem which suited her to a T.  Se was given some beautiful flowers as well as our kind thoughts and prayers.

In the parable of the two sons the younger one wanted to leave behind his family responsibilitiesand live a life of pleasure..  NO wonder the older son would have feelings of resentment left behind to do all the work.  Hopefully he would be able to see his father's happiness and rejoice with him but only after expressing his negative thoughts.  Relationships can be difficult.

This is a story about life and death.  Asking for his inheritance is like wishing his father dead.  When the son has spent all his wealth he is willing to plead with his dad to take him back not as a son but as a hired help.

The father welcomes him back as a son saying: "This son of mine was dead but is now alive again."

Growth often causes discomfort when my choice is to leave sinful thoughts and feelings behind/ if my desire is to be closer to God, The Father.


Sandra said...

I am sure Haiti knows something is up.

What is the word on Carol & Panteli's house, is it sold?

Where will Panteli and Kimberly live if it does?

Where will Kimberly live when Pantli leaves?

How was Dad's night? I was having nightmares and a lot of hip pain.


nancy-Lou said...

Sandra, I was just thinking about the same questions. Lots of changes.

Awe, just look at the face on Haiti...she is saying, hey don't forget me! She is a beautiful dog isn't she?

Poor Larry, that cough really must have a hold on him. I hope he feels better tomorrow.

I have been working on making the book for the little girl. her story is very good for a 7 year old and so is the art work. Now I am contemplating whether to make the book from the back to the front as Arabic people do, she did or in the English way...from the front to back. I finally have everything scanned and edited and printed which was a lot of work today..hours and hours and now can concentrate on the actual art work and making the book. it will have lots of extra pages for her to write and illustrate more stories.

I am still hiding at home....but did make arrangements to have the stitches taken out on thursday.

Well off to work on that book

Have a lovely evening,
Love Nancy