Sunday, July 12, 2015


Finally everyone has arrived and I am sitting listening in a happy stupor.  Carol starts telling a story about crazy lady who demands she must go home even with a painful shoulder and being sick at her stomach and unable   to stand or walk.  Unbelievable,  Could it be  me.
I would like to be able to write but it is very hard for me to do.
THE HOME CARE people have started coming and  I am trying to exercise my arm and doing some walking.  Sandra brought dinner over yesterday and Carol today.
I see my family doctor on Monday.
I am standing on  my feet again.
Still healing


Sandra said...

Don't forget, three times a day, that goes for the walking and the arm excercis. All the little bits will add up. Hope you had a better night.

nancy-Lou said...

Excellent news....Beth is home! How wonderful it must feel to be home and sleep in your own bed. I was so happy to see pictures of you walking outdoors with your family by your won't be long and you will be out doing your regular morning walks again. Pain management is so important Beth and doesn't be afraid to tell your doctor if you need more help with the pain....often people are reluctant to ask.
Asking for help too, when you need it is another thing....we are proud and think we can do things by ourself...but it is a lot easier on us to let others do them until we are able to.

I don't have to tell you how blessed you are to have such a warm, loving family to help you through all this. They are wonderful, truly wonderful!
I have a friend from church who is fighting the fight of her life with cancer and her small family are really mean to her.....she even drove herself the 100 km for big surgery, when they live close by. She has a problem with talking too much which alienates her family and even friends who would help her...

It must be very difficult for you to write and don't force yourself until you are able to do it easily...

We are currently having a heat wave with lots of humidity. We are so thankful for the air conditioning.....but it still makes us feel tired and with no appetite.

Sending prayers daily for you and Larry...may things become a lot easier for you both now.

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

THANKFUL for all my blessings and that I can communicate with others.

Ken is feeling miserable with flu like aches and pains and upset stomach and exhaustion. HE noticed dad had a skin cancer appointment at 10 in WHITE ROCK..IT IS EVERY 6 months. So thankful he noticed Dad is at the doctors and Ken is resting.

Now I am resting too.

We will walk later,

love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Good to hear you are resting Beth...each day will bring you more strength and relief from pain. I keep you in my prayers every day!
So sorry to hear that ken is unwell......poor guy, after travelling all that distance. I hope it is just a day or two and he will feel better quickly.

Thanks for posting and updating ....we all wonder how you are doing and it is great to know.

Love, Nancy