Tuesday, July 14, 2015


All of a sudden each one of these dear family members answered the phone to hear the news of my fall.  All of our lives would be changed and deepened.

They are taking time to drop by my hospital room or now I am at home bringing meals and  happy laughter.

Today the news that Larry has a painful singles condition was sad  news, thankful he got on pills immediately.

The goal is for us to be independent and they are helping us and have becomes hero's in my eyes,


Sandra said...

Yes, you never know when one little action will change your life forever. Though, in this case lets hope the changes are not permanent!


nancy-Lou said...

Just look at them all...there to give support to you and Larry in your time of need. Kudos to the Bennett family...helping you through these tough times.
Yes, I do hope you are able to heal and get back to the way you were before your fall, Beth. I always keep these thoughts in my prayers for you. Senior's don't adapt well to changes do we? We really want to stay in our homes as long as we can.

So sorry to hear about Larry getting shingles....that is so very painful. I heard there is a good drug if you get it early and it sounds like he did....thankfully. stressful times can bring on shingles. Take care Larry.

It is hot and humid here again...I will have to turn on the air conditioners again and I would much rather have the windows open...but that is not to be today....the humidity is 100% and the temp is already at 28 and it not quite noontime.

I went out to cut back some bushes that were obscuring our view of the road and got literally attacked by a swarm of mosquitoes....I had to run back in, don a jean jacket and a hat with a net and go back...sweating to death but I got the job done and didn't get any more bites.WHEW.

Just go with the flow....that is what I tell my watercolour students!

Love, Nancy