Saturday, November 14, 2020


I guess we were being being riskyg oing to Carol and Panteli's but we felt it was safe.

The weather was looking fine when I went out so I thought Spenser and I could risk a long walk.  Qw got all wet.

Dad is doing a little better but I am extremely worried about him.  This has taken a lot out of him.

 I think we take a lot of risks in life and thankfully most things work out.


Sandra said...

I think it is more a matter of weighing the pros and cons of the risk. There is definitely more Covid out there in the community then ever before, so for sure you need to be limiting your time in the store and keep your distance from people. But life with out people is not much of a life at all, so having your very small bubble is a good compromise.

A little better is better, so that is good. If you are still worried about something that you do not think has been addressed then call Dr Muckhiever's office and make another appointment.

Sooner or later he will start to take you seriously if you keep calling I would hope.

Oh, and I was at the store and got corn meal, I know you had a hard time finding it at your store so I grabbed you a couple of packets as well.


beth bennett said...

Thanks Sandra

Good encouragement

Yes I would like some corn meal.

Beautiful Sunday morning.

Love mom

Shandel said...

I agree. We have a small family bubble as well. We gotta do our part, but also be sane and happy. Happy to hear grandpa is feeling a bit better.