Monday, November 16, 2020


                                                   Still a few flowers blooming.

Amazing news that Rick will be coming to give us a helping hand.  His job allows him to work from home.  This will be a time of making new memories.  We have been doin okay but having help will help us do even better. Yes we have both been hurting and have talked about things that should remain buried.

It is good to have a few things to plan for.  I will move my computer  into our  room and he can have the desk there to do his work.

It has been a stressful time and now we can relax. Good to have lots of other things to talk about than how we are feeling.

Seeing Christmas lights appearing on our cold dreary streets has been an amazing sign that life still can be normal.  We can still believe knowing the magic Christma iss a message of hope and light in the darkness.

Time to count our blessings.  This includes all our loved ones!

Sometimes bad things have a reason that we cannot see in the moment but looking back we see how things work together for the good of us all,

Amazing grace..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that is one of the things I miss the most, just something to look forward to and plan for.

I also love seeing Christmas lights starting to appear on houses. Think they should stay up all winter.

I hope you had a good restful day yesterday and fingers crossed dad is feeling somewhat better.
