Monday, November 30, 2020


 I did not know I was on candid camera.  This is Spenser and I waiting to cross 64.  We carry on down to Sun Wood and then to the book stand.  

We do this every morning.  In the afternoon we go over to the park.  I do enjoy my walks.

Carol came this morning to pick up dad for his three appointments.  I wanted to go with them but I am not the spokesperson any more.  I feel a little left out.  It is hard to stay at home and not really know what is going on.  I keep busy by giving the kitchen a good clean .

I believe Rick is in acute care which can be a difficult place to be.  Evidently the man in the room with him is dying.  Rick has had several tests and I understand he has had a stroke.  He needs a walker to walk now.  He had another dizzy spell when we talked to him.

I am thankful for these visits.  He talks more to Sandra Carol and Kenny I believe.  

We are of course very worried and hoping he will get everything checked out and taken seriously.

Dad was tred when he and Carol returned but he felt the appointments went well and he liked the doctors.  He has more blood work to do and hopefully it can be done all at the same time as his P.S.A.

One of the hard things about getting older is learning to accept what we cannot do anymore.

I will ask someone to go with me to get new hearing aids.  Right now we cannot get the car out of the garage because Rick's car is in the way and dad is not sure how to drive it.

To-morrow I will clean up our bedroom and try to find dad's hearing aids.  I planned to do it today but had a big rest instead.

I hope dad continues to improve and regain his strength and energy,


Ken Bennett said...

Who took the photo? Air conditioning guys arriving this morning to install some units.

Sandra said...

We could plan on getting hearing aid appoiinment set up, I would imagine that you have to do that these days.

So many thing going on at once, it is is hard to keep up.

I am glad that you got a phone call from the doctor about Rick, it is so hard not being able to visit or know what is happening.


Anonymous said...

Dear Beth, this is such a difficult time for you. You are so fortunate to have children living near you that can help. I know it is difficult for them as they have their lives to live as well. I spent the last 10 years of my parents lives going to their medical appointments with them so I know what it is like when we are going through the difficult times, we don’t often know which questions to ask or remember what the doctors have to say. Sometimes we need to fight to get answers. I found that when I was going through breast cancer. I took Willy or my cousin with me because it is a very emotional time.
I pray all will be well with Rick and you will finally get answers on what is happening with Ken. You are such a wonderful family and focussing on the positives can be helpful.