Tuesday, December 1, 2020


                              I look around and everyone seems to be carrying on just as usual.

                             Lots of /Christmas lights going up.

It is hard to even think about Christmas.  Hopefully Rick will be home and feeling better.  Not knowing exactly what is going on is very unsettling.

We phoned the doctor, Dr. Hillary, and he phoned back to say they did not know what was wrong at this point.  /They are doing another M.R.I. and he will phone when he gets the results.

Rick just sent a message that he has had a very bad day.  He did not feel up to keeping in touch.  He has had so many health problems I hope and pray he will get some answers and some solutions.

My brother phones today and said a prayer for him.  I was very happy he phoned as he is still grieving.

Carol, Sandra and Ken and Leah have all phoned.  We compare notes ans everyone is very worried.

I have done well today.  I went shopping at 7 this morning.  A good time to go but when I found it was 10% day I bought a few extras.  I was offered a ride home from one of the ladies I meet on my walks.

I cleaned out our closet and found dad's hearing aides.  I did not ry them out yet just happy to have found them.  Dad helped clean up.  

We all know our future is uncertain but we know we have a loving family to support us.

I wake up each morning trying to remember what has happened and what is real!

Rick took the pictures.  We had a very happy walk together.


Ken Bennett said...

You can find some hearing aids, but can you get Dad to wear them! Boys were great for installing our new air conditioning, they have there more units to install, just waiting for them to come in from China. We received a Christmas card from Carol today.

Sandra said...

I agree very unreal all of it. Struggling with blame. Glad that you are able to keep busy. Dont forget to take care of your self and please do your hand excersices.


Shandel said...

It is very sad to hear the news about Uncle Rick. I hope he makes a recovery and is feeling better soon. Uncertainty can be very disheartening. 😔